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<sf-slack> <mail> hi can someone please help me find some tutorials/examples of getting started
<sf-slack> <mail> i am familiar with verilog and C++. I currently work on the Zynq 7 series with vivado xilinx
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<sf-slack> <mail> i am going through the documentation
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<malindra> hi are there any examples on how to work on zynq7
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<_whitenotifier-3> [sv-tests] mithro opened issue #748: No such file or directory: 'sv-tests/third_party/cores/opentitan/hw/ip/prim/abstract/' -
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<IanWizard> I'd like to second malindra's question.
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<mithro> acomodi: If you add a "merge-if-green" label to a pull request, then if the kokoro runs go green it should be merged by SymbiFlow-Robot
<mithro> @channel - If you add a "merge-if-green" label to a pull request, then if the kokoro runs go green it should be merged by SymbiFlow-Robot
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<litghost> IanWizard: should be refreshed and is an example of Zybo
<tpb> Title: Zybo: Add minitest with Litex/Vex booting Linux by kgugala · Pull Request #1251 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at
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<IanWizard> TY litghost :)
<litghost> kgugala is the one who made that PR, so feel free to ask questions about that PR. They are pretty responsive
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<sf-slack> <chris.lavin> Hi! Just wanted to share the beginning of a prototype aimed at an interchange format for placed and routed FPGA designs:!topic/interchange/hdnYZM8i4ao. This effort aims to explore solutions for the spec that is currently taking shape on the FPGA Tooling Common Interchange formats doc:
<tpb> Title: Google Groups (at
<mithro> I fixed the group join link if people had tried to join the mailing list and failed previously
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<FFY00> mithro, is there anything you need help with, anything I might be useful?
<mithro> FFY00: What were you working on and what do you want to work on now? :-P
<FFY00> I was mostly looking to package the fpga toolchains
<FFY00> or do you mean in general? not symbiflow related?
<mithro> SymbiFlow related
<FFY00> so yeah, mostly packaging things
<mithro> I have a terrible memory.
<FFY00> but I see there is a lot of stuff in shape for that yet
<FFY00> so it will be a slow build
<FFY00> I was wondering if there is anything more direct you need help with
<mithro> FFY00: You could look at packaging if you want to do more packaging stuff
<FFY00> no releases :/
<FFY00> I already packaged pjrtrelis, I was looking into pjrxray but the last release seems pretty old
<FFY00> and it's version 0.0, which seems wrong?
<FFY00> mithro, if there is a non packaging related issue you need help with let me now
<FFY00> about packaging, maybe we should discuss what is the current state, what are your goals/timeline and figure out a plan
<mithro> FFY00: It's going to be years before I can recommend using anything but git head for most of these projects
<FFY00> but like we discussed previously, git head can be broken
<FFY00> you don't need a super stable app, but you can try to minimize the risk of thing being broken and calling that a release
<FFY00> it would still be a long way to 1.0.0
<FFY00> does that make sense?
<_whitenotifier-3> [symbiflow-arch-defs] mithro opened issue #1414: Add license header to top of all code files -
<_whitenotifier-3> [prjxray] mithro opened issue #1300: Add license header to top of all code files -
<_whitenotifier-3> [fpga-tool-perf] mithro opened issue #59: Add license header to top of all code files -
<_whitenotifier-3> [sv-tests] mithro opened issue #749: Add license header to top of all code files -
<_whitenotifier-3> [python-symbiflow-v2x] mithro opened issue #38: Add license header to top of all code files -
<_whitenotifier-3> [symbiflow-bitstream-viewer] mithro opened issue #3: Add license header to top of all code files -
<_whitenotifier-3> [fasm] mithro opened issue #20: Add license header to top of all code files -
<_whitenotifier-3> [sphinxcontrib-verilog-diagrams] mithro opened issue #9: Add license header to top of all code files -
<_whitenotifier-3> [vtr-xml-utils] mithro opened issue #9: Add license header to top of all code files -
<_whitenotifier-3> [symbiflow-xc7z-automatic-tester] mithro opened issue #1: Add license header to top of all code files -
<_whitenotifier-3> [python-sdf-timing] mithro opened issue #38: Add license header to top of all code files -
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<_whitenotifier-3> [ideas] mithro opened issue #47: Updated the repositories to compile with the current copyright best practices -
<mithro> FFY00: I would like people to complain when git head is broken ASAP
<mithro> FFY00: if git head is not in a "releasable state" then that is bad
<mithro> FFY00: we should improve CI so that git head isn't broken
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<mithro> actually looks pretty cool
<tpb> Title: GitHub - billzorn/sfpy: softfloat and softposit in Python (at