Title: apache 2.0 - Placement of copyright and license variables within Python source? - Open Source Stack Exchange (at opensource.stackexchange.com)
mithro: Oh if we use that, we don't need to worry about that empty line anymore :P Shall we? Not sure if that's the standard way because I've never seen projects using it
daniellimws: Yeah, I haven't seen that before either
daniellimws: And I've been coding in Python since 1.5.1 days...
Title: __author__ / __copyright__ / __license__ not widely accepted as modern best practice · Issue #162 · pyscaffold/pyscaffold · GitHub (at github.com)
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mithro: In the PEP0263 document, "Without encoding comment, Python's parser will assume ASCII text", are we setting the encoding to ascii or utf-8?
Title: Using importlib.metadata Python 3.8.2 documentation (at docs.python.org)
I don't think they make sense for most projects
yes, there are people rewriting the python packaging system
it is being reworked
let's hope for the better
but I think pip is pretty good already
FFY00: The big issue is that rebasing causes commits to change hashes making it very hard to talk about things which end up living in branches for a long time before being merged
at least it's light years away from package managers from other languages :P
FFY00: Good or bad? I could see both arguments ;-)
mithro sure, use merge commits for that
I think xobs would have disagreement about that :-)
but using merge commits by default does not make sense imo
which package manager would he be defending?
FFY00: He is a fan of rust's
daniellimws: Yeah, I think my search has determined we want to include the hash for Python files
Anyway, I think I'm going to have some dinner
Might be make after, might not
my main issue with cargo is that cargo install will rebuild everything
which is awful
and rust right now doesn't have a stable ABI, so no shared libraries, which mean it's a vendoring hell
Bertl_oO is now known as Bertl_zZ
FFY00: yeah, rust. pip gives me no end of grief. cargo always seems to work.
because cargo is very opinionated
and it is still solving an easy problem
we'll see when rust starts using shared libraries
how do you mean?
fetchind and static linking every dependency is far easier than managing installed dependencies
like pip does
when rust gets a stable abi and people start using shared libraries you will see
I'm not sure I follow.
shared libraries will be installed to the system
cargo will not to manage them
install, manage versions, resolve dependencies, etc.
right now it is only downloading the sources and compiling a single binary
which is awful, but there is no alternative due to the lack of abi
when rust gets a stable abi, everything will start to move torwards dynamic libraries
*cargo will NEED to manage them
I enjoy the static linking. It's made deploying `wishbone-tool` very easy.
but it is also very awful
duplicated code
this means you waste *a lot* more space
is bad for security
The code isn't duplicated, the binary is. And the binary data is small.
when some library gets a cve, you have duplicated code in 300 different places
xobs, duplicated binary code
take a practical example
electron apps
they static build and are huge
xobs, if static building is so great how come it is not standard practice when distributing C libraries?
all distributions have guidelines against it
FFY00: most C libraries are distributed as source, which usually gives you the option to build a static library.
they are distributed as shared libraries by the distributions
you don't compile your source code together with the libraries
they ship a shared library + headers
you use the headers for the definitions and link your object against the shared library
either way, the time will come when rust gets a stable abi
As far as I can tell, distributing static binaries is becoming the norm, what with snap packages and flatpak. Or whatever it's called. I'm not really a Linux desktop user.
All I know is "pip install" has about a 50% chance of actually working.
snap and flatpak are not the norm
they are alternatives
the norm is still the distribution package manager
Usually they assume you have various packages already installed, or that you're running Linux, or that you actually have pip installed.
Whereas "cargo install" is usually enough to get stuff done, or to let someone build a package themselves so they can contribute.
but because some distributions are so awful with updates snap and flatpak were created
"pip install" is usually met with statements like "oh, you're using it wrong".
to be used as an alternative in those cases
xobs, cargo install is enough for now, because rust doesn not support doing things currently yet
*doing things correctly
this will change
FFY00: I think we have different definitions of "correctly". The "correct" way has been the source of endless headaches for me.
that's easy
not correctly
it's hard to do things correctly
expecially when upstreams provide bad tooling
And pip is bad tooling. Apparently it lets you mix `--user` and not `--user`, which results in packages installed to multiple places, which confuses python, which breaks everything, which requires you to reinstall.
But `pip install` is wrong, you need to use virtualenv, or venv, or easyinstall, or setuptools, or whatever it's called now. Because otherwise the whole system gets broken.
Assuming you even have pip. The "embedded" python from python.org doesn't include it. And neither does the debian install.
So you need to compile python yourself.
debian gets broken
Or get it from conda, which modifies your bashrc by default.
And conda is a hundred megabytes of extra stuff just for a python interpreter.
conda is awful
Which has its own method of managing binaries.
pip is fine, unless you need outdated dependencies
if you need that then use venv
And then you have to worry about the python abi changing, because that's not stable.
it is stable
only changes on major versions
as expected
You mean minor versions?
E.g. you can't use a 3.6 python standard library with a 3.5 interpreter. Or vice-versa.
Also, the actual stuff that's in the python standard library isn't standard.
For example, the embedded python doesn't include the url parsing library.
yes, sorry, minor version
And as such, ensure_pip doesn't work.
embedded python does not implement the full standard
and I don't thin anyone is claiming that
And I don't see the value with e.g. including eight different boost_1.67 dll files with a program I ship. Very few things will include that particular version of boost. So I might as well statically link it and use lto to remove stuff that isn't used.
have that installed on the system
and don't ship ddls
that is how things work in linux
of course on windows there is no such thing
you need to ship the files
and then you need a 300gb disk just to have all your programs
while on linux 60gb is sufficient
for ane equivalent amount of programs
also, when there is a cve in boost you need to push an update of your apps
or people are vunerable
while on linux you update the system boost\
instead of updating 200 packages
same things happens in rust
since everything is static linked
The nextpnr binary is 110 MB. If I were to remove the boost files, it would shrink by 300k. And I highly doubt a CVE there would affect the actual program.
dynamically linking boost does not help, and just adds headache.
right, enjoy windows :)
I do!
And you enjoy Linux.
I think it's interesting in that the two approaches are rooted in different beliefs, and that's very evident in what we're both arguing for.
The approach you're advocating is very useful and easy to deal with assuming you have a competent package manager.
but I agree managing dependencies on windows is a PITA
For example, nix people really advocate that approach because their package manager is amazing.
but on linux there is no excuse
Whereas for me, static linking simplifies things.
Mac is somewhere in the middle. Bundled frameworks are a thing, but it's just okay.
Static linking is the lowest common denominator, and cargo lets you do that well.
So if you're on a system that has gone all-in on shared modules, then yes, pip and python are great.
If not, then all the arguments you make fall down, and just result in confusion.
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It's probably due to a cultural failure in how software is installed on Windows. But that's the environment I have to deal with.
Being able to host an FPGA workshop and tell everyone, regardless of their platform, to just run this one executable file and they'll be able to interact with a Fomu has been a huge boon. And I don't know that I'd be able to pull that off if wishbone-tool were written in python.
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<timo.callahan> @kgugala, I have summarized some comments about the tflite demo. How do you prefer I send them? (i) add each item as a new issue on the git repository, (ii) add them as comments to the issue that I already opened (#11), (iii) Google doc, or, (iv) e-mail them to you. Or something else?
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I am late to the discussion but note that most of boost is header only libraries so the dynamic/static linking has no effect on updating those, and also that in C++ anything making use of templates will have complications in whether you can just update the shared library
And Rust's encouragement of generic programming makes use of shared libraries of little value since much code ends up in the dependent binary not in the library and like for C++ complicates the just update the library to get security fixes thing
<kgugala> @timo.callahan you can add the comments to existing github issue, or open a new one. If it's something you already solved you can open a PR with the fix
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[sphinxcontrib-verilog-diagrams] oharboe opened issue #10: Problems installing the plugin - https://git.io/Jfvlp
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mithro: Here the example says "D-Flip flop with combinational logic". Doesn't a d flip flop only have 2 inputs (clock, d) and 1 output (q)? Should I rename it to just "flip flop" without the D in front of it?
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mithro, github actions doesn't work for us
FFY00: Oh? That is sad :-(
it runs actions in containers
I don't know if anybody here particularly cares, but with synth_intel_alm merged into Yosys master you can now use it to synthesise bits of gateware
<timo.callahan> @kgugala I'll work on a PR
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<timo.callahan> @kgugala although here's one thing that I am not sure about and would like some advice: After running "west init ...", the command prints out "=== Initialized. Now run "west update" inside /home/tcal/antmicro/litex-vexriscv-tensorflow-lite-demo.". Is the user supposed to ignore that and instead run what the demo says, "git submodule update --init --recursive" ? Or is the user supposed to run both update
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<kgugala> @timo.callahan you can ignore this step for the LiteX/Vexriscv TF lite demo
<kgugala> @timo.callahan what `west updade` does is to fetch third_party HALs
<kgugala> we don't need them for LiteX/Vexriscv port
<kgugala> and this step takes a lot of time, so we simply skip it :)
<timo.callahan> @kgugala thanks!
@ZirconiumX It is my understanding that VtR has a flow which takes vqm?
ZirconiumX: It would be interesting to see if you can do Yosys->VPR here
mithro: Well, I can try
Last time you mentioned it, you said it was for Cyclone IV though
@ZirconiumX I say a lot of things and don't remember all of them :-P
This is running on Cyclone V
Which is very different to CIV
ZirconiumX: I'm sure the VPR devs would be interested in an architecture model for CV even if it doesn't really match the real hardware
mithro: I'm fairly confident I can match the hardware; but I've no idea where to begin
Title: GitHub - ZirconiumX/yosys-testrunner: Program for robustly comparing two Yosys versions (at github.com)
ZirconiumX: nope!
You don't need the exact code, but what this does is use a statistical method to determine which of two versions is superior
(specifically the sequential probability ratio test)
And when using something even as simple as "X produces a greater Fmax than Y" as a hypothesis, it turns out that there's a very high signal-to-noise ratio
So you can fairly easily go down to 0.001% false-positive error
(the point of using SPRT is that you can bound the false-positive rate)
(and false-negative rate)
Additionally the SPRT implemented here is multinomial
So it can find the "better" one even when you give it a bunch of criteria to work with
"which one is faster?"
"which one produces a better area?"
*faster to route
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ZirconiumX: Sure, working on that loop bit to improve the statistics would be interesting -- I'm no expert around that
mithro: naturally there's a CPU time/error tradeoff
CPU time isn't a huge concern for me -- developer time is much more important
The script I wrote is designed to be relatively simple to run and reproducible
[sphinxcontrib-verilog-diagrams] mithro opened issue #11: Add Travis CI - https://git.io/JfvDV
But since I kinda messed up the numbers, I deleted them (I wasn't using post-PnR numbers but post-synth)
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<timo.callahan> @kgugala, I think I need to be given permissions on the Antmicro repo to push my branch (I'm tcal-x).
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mithro, I just remembered
msys uses pacman as their package manager
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so with just a little more effort we can also provide msys packages
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and I was thinking, we could use libalpm (pacman backend) to write a custom package manager that works in the user directory and we can use the same arch packages
shouldn't be too hard, as it's just a frontend
FFY00: I don't want to be in the position of maintaining a totally separate ecosystem, want to try and reuse existing ecosystems --hence why conda is attractive (as it is already heavily used as part of the scientific computing and ML ecosystems)