I was thinking to just commit the binary packages to another branch and setup github packages there
we would only have 1 commit in that branch, we re-write it and force push it from the ci
I don't think this is the most optimal solution but it works
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<timo.callahan> I don't seem to have permission to add reviewers for my PR https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray/pull/1313. Is it because the checks failed due to the Zynq7 issue?
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That is just putting in different random seeds?
hackerfoo: makes me wonder if you can do hill climbing with some sort of initial results
that is, if some PRNG seeds take half the time, can this be discovered ten percent into the entire run and a different seed chosen if this run will be twice as long as average?
<litghost "That is just putting in differen"> litghost: yes
shapr (IRC): It might be possible to detect a lack of progress, but in general I have not found that approach to be effective.
I've found it better to design the algorithm to be more stable, such that there isn't a large difference between the best and worst results.
@timo.callahan - As far as I can see you should have permission?
mithro: I added him to a group, so it was broken, and is fixed now