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<shuffle2> i'm currently using lattice diamond and want to compare it with the foss flow. it seems like symbiflow is a container project encapsulating the required other projects (yosys+nextpnr+prjtrellis + others?)
<shuffle2> however i can't really find any details about how to "replace diamond with foss"'s more like "here's a bunch of spaghetti, string it together yourself", am i missing something
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<Xark> shuffle2: You might find something like this helpful:
<tpb> Title: GitHub - esden/summon-fpga-tools: A simple script to build open-source FPGA tools. (at
<_whitenotifier-9> [prjtrellis] xobs opened issue #138: Missing pins on LFE5UM5G-45F-8BG381C -
<shuffle2> thx, i used xobs' repo as i'm on windows (would be great to have something like this autogenerated):
<tpb> Title: Releases · xobs/ecp5-toolchain · GitHub (at
<xobs> someone took the idea and has started putting something together: but it's far from complete.
<tpb> Title: GitHub - open-tool-forge/fpga-toolchain: Multi-platform nightly builds of open source FPGA tools (at
<shuffle2> ah nice
<shuffle2> soon it will be full circle :p
<xobs> I'm more amazed they got a response from Xilinx on Twitter.
<shuffle2> haha hadn't noticed that
<mithro> shuffle2: SymbiFlow doesn't attempt to provide an IDE or build system at the moment
<shuffle2> it's a bit confusing because the symbiflow website has this quite nice "get started" button...which doesn't really help you to get started *using* the tools imo ;p (developing them, maybe)
<mithro> sf-slack: rwinkler is working on that -->
<tpb> Title: SymbiFlow - the GCC of FPGAs (at
<tpb> Title: SymbiFlow - Getting Started (at
<mithro> shuffle2: Only so many hours in the day however...
<shuffle2> nice :)
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<sf-slack> <timo.callahan> @kgugala, with the picosoc_demo, is it supposed to do anything when actually loaded on the basys 3 board? Or no, since we haven't loaded any software to run on the gateware? I see the 16 LEDs cycling, and when I connect to it using lxterm, it spews out jibberish it seems. And when I send characters _to_ the board via lxterm, the LED cycling stops momentarily. Am I doing something wrong?
<sf-slack> <acomodi> IIRC it needs the correct baud rate set
<sf-slack> <acomodi> I think it should work fine with the following: `picocom --baud 460800 /dev/ttyUSBX`
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<shuffle2> if nextpnr failed to meet timing, prints "ERROR: failed to route...", then appears to it doing $stuff, or actually hanging
<shuffle2> it's just sitting there consuming 1 hw thread
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<_whitenotifier-9> [symbiflow-arch-defs] rakeshm75 opened issue #1458: Branch : Quicklogic : Issue in the top_bit.v with respect to RAMFIFO port maps -
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<_whitenotifier-9> [symbiflow-arch-defs] rakeshm75 opened issue #1459: Branch : Quicklogic : Issue in the top_bit.v with respect to Multiplier port mapping -
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<sf-slack> <timo.callahan> @acomodi -- thanks! I tried using "--speed 460800" with lxterm, and it helped a bit -- I saw the "Press ENTER to continue..." lines...but pressing enter didn't do anything. Trying different speeds didn't help. So I looked for picocom in the picorv32 github with no luck...until I finally just checked if I could find "picocom" as an installable Ubuntu package...and there it was! So "picocom" is not related
<sf-slack> to "picoSoc" ? Anyway it now WORKS using picocom. After pressing enter, I see option [9] "Run simplistic benchmark".
<sf-slack> <acomodi> @timo.callahan Great! Yeah picocom and picosoc are actually unrelated
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<mithro> We should look at adding an `.editorconfig` to the SymbiFlow repositories
<_whitenotifier-9> [ideas] mithro opened issue #50: Add an .editorconfig file to all SymbiFlow repositories -
<mithro> A relatively simple task if someone wants to take it up ->
<tpb> Title: Add an .editorconfig file to all SymbiFlow repositories · Issue #50 · SymbiFlow/ideas · GitHub (at
<hackerfoo> mithro: Is this widely used? I haven't heard of EditorConfig before:
<tpb> Title: EditorConfig (at
<hackerfoo> Adding styles for Emacs and Vim would be useful.
<_whitenotifier-9> [ideas] mithro opened issue #51: Create a "common configuration" git repository which is auto-merged into SymbiFlow projects -
<tpb> Title: Create a "common configuration" git repository which is auto-merged into SymbiFlow projects · Issue #51 · SymbiFlow/ideas · GitHub (at
<mithro> hackerfoo: Hadn't heard of it until I saw it being used in yosys's repo
<mithro> Yosys isn't known for using the latest and greatest stuff -- So I think that is potentially a good sign that it's been around a while?
<hackerfoo> I'll see if I can run `c-guess` in Emacs use that to generate an .editorconfig
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<hackerfoo> It doesn't look like there's an easy way to do this. This can infer an .editorconfig, but it could be Javascript only:
<tpb> Title: GitHub - jedmao/eclint: Validate or fix code that doesnt adhere to EditorConfig settings or infer settings from existing code. (at
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<_whitenotifier-9> [symbiflow-website] rw1nkler opened issue #42: Add links to the points in the "Why SymbiFlow?" section -
<_whitenotifier-9> [symbiflow-website] rw1nkler opened issue #43: Rearrange the sections order on the main page -
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<_whitenotifier-9> [symbiflow-website] rw1nkler opened issue #44: Rearrange the order of sections on the "Contribute now" subpage -
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<sf-slack> <timo.callahan> @kgugala (and anyone) -- I have LiteX gateware built by Symbiflow, and although I can get a Litex> prompt, it shows that it failed all memory tests. This is for the Arty A7 35T board, using the example here: ```best: m0, b0 delays: - m1, b0: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: - m1, b1: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: -
<sf-slack> m1, b2: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: - m1, b3: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: - m1, b4: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: - m1, b5: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: - m1, b6: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: - m1, b7: |00000000000000000000000000000000| delays: - best: m1, b0 delays: - SDRAM now under hardware control Memtest bus failed: 256/256 errors Memtest data failed:
<tpb> Title: symbiflow-examples/linux_litex_demo at master · antmicro/symbiflow-examples · GitHub (at
<sf-slack> 524288/524288 errors Memtest addr failed: 8191/8192 errors Memory initialization failed```
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<sf-slack> <timo.callahan> Is this expected, or do I likely have some misconfiguration?