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<Lofty> ping kgugala, arvindsrinivasan
<sf-slack4> <arvindsrinivasan> hi
<Lofty> Would you be willing to test an alternate fix for the ABC9 assert?
<sf-slack4> <kgugala> yep?
<sf-slack4> <kgugala> sure
<_whitenotifier-5> [sphinx-verilog-domain] mithro opened issue #25: Relicense the project to Apache 2.0 -
<Lofty> You'll have to apply it "manually"
<Lofty> I think this is a case of "terrible error message" on the part of ABC9
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<Lofty> Hang on, let me find what the file is on GitHub
<Lofty> This should be lib_whitebox, I believe
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<sf-slack4> <kgugala> seems to be helping
<sf-slack4> <kgugala> at least in sythesis
<Lofty> This passes synthesis for me
<sf-slack4> <kgugala> @Lofty can you open a PR so the CI can run the whole flow with it?
<Lofty> Will do
<sf-slack4> <kgugala> thanks
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<_whitenotifier-5> [sphinx-verilog-domain] mithro opened issue #27: Change from Travis to GitHub Actions -
<litghost> There is also
<tpb> Title: yamllint · PyPI (at
<litghost> Which is easy to run locally
<mithro> seems kind of interesting from the fact it seems to use the same settings as VSCode
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<sf-slack4> <arvindsrinivasan> @lofty do you still want me to test that change?
<sf-slack4> <arvindsrinivasan> Whiich ABC assert do you want me to comment back in? the empty cell ones?
<Lofty> Yes
<sf-slack4> <arvindsrinivasan> Alright fixing now
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<Lofty> litghost: I think fundamentally the problem we have here is that boxes are implicitly sweepable.
<litghost> I guess to put this another context, what do you do about things like CFGLUT5? Because of what CFGLUT5 is (re-configurable LUT) it is not legal to sweep it, but if that CFGLUT5 is part of a logic chain, you would want to be able to do path analysis through the element
<Lofty> I suspect this is might need support adding to ABC [the program] for this kind of thing
<Lofty> Well, the other (obviously suboptimal) approach is to not invoke the ABC9 sweeper
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<Lofty> Might be time to write an email to Alan, too
<Lofty> Well, email to Alan sent, let's see how that goes
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<sf-slack4> <arvindsrinivasan> So on my system I pass synthesis but fail alter on
<sf-slack4> <arvindsrinivasan> ```/home/arvindsrinivasan/opt/symbiflow/xc7/install/bin/vpr_common: line 94: 16262 Bus error (core dumped) vpr ${ARCH_DEF} ${EBLIF} --device ${DEVICE_NAME} ${VPR_OPTIONS} --read_rr_graph ${RR_GRAPH} --read_router_lookahead ${LOOKAHEAD} --read_placement_delay_lookup ${PLACE_DELAY} ${SDC_OPTIONS} $@```
<sf-slack4> <arvindsrinivasan> @kgugala did you get the same error?
<sf-slack4> <kgugala> I just checked synthesis (and waiting for CI here tot test the rest)
<sf-slack4> <kgugala> and it looks CI failed there
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<_whitenotifier-5> [nextpnr] litghost opened issue #238: Need to stand up MSAN / ASAN / TSAN test runs -
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<_whitenotifier-5> [RapidWright] litghost opened issue #1: Largest fabrics consume all memory and die when writing device database -
<sf-slack4> <arvindsrinivasan> @lofty any suggestions for other stuff to test to see if we can get a fix?
<Lofty> Well, fixing this particular case is easy; fixing the problem in general is hard
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<sf-slack4> <arvindsrinivasan> Alright for now, I guess the easy answer is to comment out the asserts
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<mithro> <-- "This bootcamp serves two purposes in terms of topical content. The second is FPGA-specific topics such as Tcl/Vivado and prjxray."
<tpb> Title: Home • Immerse Computing Bootcamp (at
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