<timo.callahan> I'm seeing this when trying to use Symbiflow for a LiteX build. I don't know what changed; it worked three weeks ago, and I don't think I've updated Symbiflow or LiteX. `ERROR: set_property IO_LOC_PAIRS: Incorrect number of arguments.` I'm using symbiflow from a symbiflow-examples install that I did in December. Where should I start looking?
Did you update the symbiflow plugins?
<timo.callahan> Where do they live? How could I have accidentally updated them? Or are you suggesting that I *should* update them?
I guess the question I have is what changed. Have you updated any packages?
The latest set of packages clearly work, but how is your system different from that
<timo.callahan> Do you think the issue is strictly in SymbiFlow, or potentially with LiteX? Actually let me check myself by running some of the examples in symbiflow-examples....
IO_LOC_PAIRS is symbiflow specific
So I can confidently say it's something in SymbiFlow
But maybe not
If for some reason LiteX set a pindef to "" (e.g. empty) that could mess things up
For example, "set_property IO_LOC_PAIRS X5 [get_cells X]" is legal, but "set_property IO_LOC_PAIRS [get_cells X]" would not be
Another possibility is that you have a mismatch between packages, and rather than generating a nice message, it generates that message (e.g. a bug)
<timo.callahan> Hmm, symbiflow examples are working for me (counter, picosoc_demo), so let me try to find a different LiteX directory to try rebuilding. Thanks for your help, @litghost!
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<timo.callahan> More info: Symbiflow stil does work with the older LiteX build I had. But I still see the error with my new build. Also, I see a warning right before the error: `Warning: Couldn't find port matching serial_tx` then `ERROR: set_property IO_LOC_PAIRS: Incorrect number of arguments.`. But `serial_tx` does exist; it's an output reg on the top "arty" module. And if I comment out the lines regarding
`serial_tx` in arty.xdc, then I see the warning with the next pin (`serial_rx`), and then the error.
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<timo.callahan> Ok, I think the problem is that "symbiflow_synth" is not finding the right top, even though we specify "-t arty".
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<timo.callahan> More findings: my custom function unit module Verilog, which was generated from nmigen/yosys, was marked `(* top = 1 *)`, but was then included into VexRiscv, which was then included into Litex (`arty`). Because of the attribute, the custom function unit module became the top when everything was fed into `symbiflow_synth` / yosys, and all other modules (Litex, VexRiscv) were removed. Which then led to the
<timo.callahan> More findings: my custom function unit module Verilog, which was generated from nmigen/yosys, was marked `(* top = 1 *)`, but was then included into VexRiscv, which was then included into Litex (`arty`). Because of the attribute, the custom function unit module became the top when everything was fed into `symbiflow_synth` / yosys, and all other modules (Litex, VexRiscv) were removed. Which then led to the
obscure error, because those top LiteX pins had been trimmed. Debugging was made more difficult initially by the fact that info and warnings from synthesis were sent to /dev/null by the Makefile recipe.
obscure error, because those top LiteX pins had been trimmed. Debugging was made more difficult initially by the fact that info and warnings from synthesis were sent to /dev/null by the Makefile recipe.