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I must be doing something wrong, because while my microcontroller works almost perfectly, a test design that simply loops the arty's switch inputs back to the LEDs is completely broken
<kgugala> do you have the desing published anywhere?
<kgugala> with makefiles (and possibly with build output)
I think plumbing this feature from ABC9 up to yosys seems like a good feature to add in the general case, and once that feature is available, we can update the CARRY4_VPR annotation with the right attribute
<kgugala> @lambda I see you're feeding yosys directly with rtlil - TBH I never tested the flow with this
<kgugala> not sure if xdc plugin works with that one
<kgugala> you can try providing sdc directly to VPR
XDC pluging should work as expect, because it operates directly on the RTLIL representation
If it doesn't work, we should probably add a test and fix it, because there should be no differences to the plugin if different frontends are used
<kgugala> mhm
<kgugala> it seems it does work - I see LOCs in eblif
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[symbiflow-arch-defs] litghost opened issue #2068: Once yosys supports "look, don't touch" add annotation to CARRY4_VPR -
kgugala: the sources for my actual bigger design contain vhdl, which I can't just feed to symbiflow_synth, so I bundle them all together in a separate yosys run, export the ilang and pass that to synth
though I agree it'd be very surprising if yosys cared about the input file format
kgugala: do you have an arty to confirm that (1) the bitstream you built works and (2) my bitstream doesn't? alternatively, could you send me your bitstream so I can try to test (1)?
lambda: Couple things
lambda: Did you check the timing analysis from VPR?
<kgugala> @litghost this is a simple design connecting inputs to outputs
yeah, there aren't even any clocks
<kgugala> I don't think timings are any problem here
Ah, ya that should work fine
As a sanity check, take a look at the blif and make sure you I/OBUFs are on the right sites
Either way, given that this is just a wire design, use xc fasm2bels to run bitstream back into Vivado (or just the verilog) and make sure things look right
Given that it is a wire design, just looking at the fasm2bels output verilog should be enough to debug if something is grossly wrong
will do
The recommended path here is to use the bitstream to generate the FASM and then run that FASM back into verilog and/or FPGA interchange
Both outputs from fasm2bels can be feed into Vivado for simulation and/or timing analysis as needed
The FPGA interchange outputs are generally faster, but the verilog outputs are easier to hand verify
what can I use for bit->fasm conversion?
<kgugala> fasm2bels can eat bit file
<kgugala> you just need to point it to bitread binary
<kgugala> bitread is a part of prjxray
<kgugala> @litghost @lambda there is sth wrong with the bistream
<kgugala> I ran it throgh fasm2bels
<kgugala> and only switches[0] landed where it should
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<kgugala> switches[1] is constrained to C11 which should place it in LIOB33_X0Y123, but it landed in LIOB33_X0Y25
<kgugala> sorry, it landed in LIOB33_X0Y75 (still incorrect)
<lambda> contains this line for it: `switches[1] 2 28 0 # set_property LOC C11 [get_ports {switches[1]}]`
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kgugala/lambda: If I were to guess, this is a package mismatch?
very possible
kgugala/lambda: If the wrong package data is used, then the package pin -> site map will be wrong
<kgugala> yep, that is my first guess
<kgugala> @lambda, can you check if the package is correct?
chip is XC7A35T/CSG324, which I assume corresponds to PART=xc7a35tcsg324-1
Does the testarch come w/ any tests I can run (for just playing around)?
In arch-defs?
Ya, it just runs some really simple P&R tasks
The GH actions CI runs them
One second
I'd like some targets for ninja
define_arch is a little less overwhelming for the testarch
6-rot_dummy_testarch_4x4_dummy_route I think would work?
ninja has bash completion, so try "ninja 6-rot_dummy_testarch_4x4_dummy<TAB>"
Interesting... it doesn't on my machine
Ahhh that's because I built it from source and never added the file
to my .bashrc
Ya "6-rot_dummy_testarch_4x4_dummy_route" will work
"6-rot_dummy_testarch_4x4_dummy" by itself claims "no work to do", but the "_route" suffix works
I recently completed a nextpnr backend for machxo2. Moving on to symbiflow... I have a decent chunk of the CMakeLists.txt set up, but I'm still learning
things such as "why does yosys need to be invoked w/ special tcl scripts"?
VPR does need a little more hand holding than nextpnr, and some of that lives in the tcl scripts
It really depends on the complexity of the arch
kgugala: C11 should be IOB_X0Y124, right?
alright, that seems to match up with my arch-defs pinmap.csv, as long as x=2,y=28 is also correct (can't find those kind of coordinates anywhere else)
The pinmap.csv is per part, and is a translation of the prjxray-db file
So should be right, unless something terrible has happened with the build system
I wonder where it goes wrong then, XDC contains C11, .ioplace contains x=2,y=28 which should be equivalent, but then the bitstream/fasm contains something else
oh, has x=2,y=79 for some reason
vpr bug I guess, it's just ignoring the constraints and making up its own placement
Are you regenerating the place file after you create the placement?
Question, are you using the wrapper scripts?
So you are just doing symbiflow_pack then symbiflow_place?
In that file, I don't see the pack or place result?
Which VPR are you using?
conda or local build?
ah damn, they got eaten by make, sec
local build
If you use the VPR from conda, does it work as expected?
I haven't been able to get conda to work
litghost: Thanks for the info. Follow-up... why is BLIF required, and backends that emit BLIF for VPR require special options. Do you understand what they are for?
* cr1901_modern
is not all that familiar w/ BLIF as opposed to the JSON output format
VPR uses BLIF as it's input format, that's all
And unless certain options are passed, VPR will choke on yosys' output BLIF?
eblif adds some quality of life features, specifically around parameters on sub-circuits
But it is worth noting that the ice40 VPR backend hasn't been actively developed in a long while
We run the tests to make sure it hasn't exploded, but I don't believe it has been tested on hardware in months/years
Hmm, I might get rid of the distinction between vpr and not-vpr mode at some point
Ya, it's not clear at this point why it's there
I legitimately did it because the ECP5 backend did it
Anyways, all those options are non-standard according to yosys help
anyways, for the record, "-conn" means "do not generate buffers for connected wires. instead use the non-standard .conn statement."
Idk enough about BLIF yet to understand what that means; the tcl scripts in symbiflow don't use it
We don't use that for the xc7 VPR flow
Instead we ask VPR to absorb LUT buffers
We have had bugs around absorbing of LUT buffers in the past, so I could see that being a thing years ago
But we rely on it in the current flows
absorb? You mean "turn a 01010101010101... etc LUT into a straight-through connection"?
Whenver a net is renamed (e.g. cross a module boundry) it gets a simple 1 input LUT declaration
One second I'll find an example
I think VPR mode only makes sense for iCE40 where there are hypothetically two blif consuming flows - arachne and vpr - even if neither flow is actively used
For everything else blif essentially implies vpr
Okay, cool. Does conv stand for "convert" (bikeshed)?
synth for "synthesis"
Ahh I see, so the flow is "synthesize normally w/ VPR-specific tailoring to JSON", "operate on the JSON as needed" (the I/O buffers), then "convert the JSON to BLIF".
That is the current flow
(Where is utils.tcl imported?)
Not idea, but it does work
Not ideal is fine. I just need to understand it :P
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AFAICT, the CMake test targets don't actually use the symbiflow_synth script, but use define_arch() to call the relevant scripts directly?
So the CMake system pre-exists the scripts
One of the cleanup steps that is being doing will be to change the scripts to be arch indepedent, and to use them in the CMake invocation
litghost: Thanks for the help. I think that's all the qs I have immediately. Talking to someone was immensely helpful compared to trying to figure it out on my own :P
Frankly there oaugth to be comments around this stuff
We would happily accept some PR's with any comments/notes around here
I have my own set of dev notes. I can add to them this weekend using this chat as a guide