essentially the rule is that site pips should only be used to access site resources; and not to be used for other, general routing
Title: Site PIPs - Pseudo PIPs represent "route through" paths for BELs - Google Zeichnungen (at docs.google.com)
mithro: yes, both those cases in the doc are valid and legal possibilities (although in the current setup only the former applies)
but for another arch that had FFs that could be routed through, the latter case would be fine too
@gatecat So when you use a pseudo pip, you end up "blocking" a bunch of bels
mithro: correct, but that's not the problem to hand
the problem we're dealing with at the moment would be the router using the router using *both* of those site PIPs to route through the whole site without touching any bels
which isn't allowed in the interchange format - if the arch wants to support that too, it should provide a tile pseudo PIP (not a site PIP) that routes from site input to output
gatecat: So is Figure B1 illegal?
mithro: correct, site PIPs can only be used to access bels in the site and not for routing through the entire site
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if instead of two site PIPs, it was a single *tile* pseudo PIP, it would be fine
@gatecat See Figure C ?
'Figure C' would be legal if it was a tile pseudo PIP
and it might make sense, depending on the routing graph, particularly if the design is congested it can open up extra routing options
@gatecat At the tile level is there any reference to bels?
@gatecat It seems like pseudo pips should be at the site level and not tile level?
mithro: currently we have both, because of the requirement for site routing only to be used to access resources in the site
they could be at site level only if we remove that constraint
(it's a constraint of Vivado, aiui, which is how it crept into the interchange format contract too, but we can work around that in the dcp generation if needed)
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gatecat: Do you have an exmaple?
no, not to hand although I think the diagrams show it well enough
what exactly do you want an example of?
@gatecat I think I understand now -- there is no reason "except Vivado" that the pseudo pips couldn't be just in the site level?
not that I know of, but there could be a good reason that Vivado disallows use of site routing for anything other than to access bels
for example some of the more obscure site types
unfortunately the rationale behind this decision was never documented
<acomodi> I think this was intended to allow the site router to use some additional site-routing constraints, which should not be exposed to the general router, which can only use the tile pseudo PIPs which "hide" the internal site connectivity
acomodi: yes, this would make sense
particularly if we wanted to support things like latches-to-legalise-carries in the future, it would be best if they were for the site router only and not exposed to the general router
there may also be some complexity that I haven't thought of where alternative site types are involved
<acomodi> Indeed, I think the various alt site types corresponding to the IOI tiles are part of this set. I think that in general, the internal site routing and the general router should be well separated, and using different kinds of psuedo PIPs
oh, I hadn't thought of IOI tiles - they are a very interesting case of this too...
nickoe: Sounds good!
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