<cjearls> In the guide to adding a new device to an existing family, I have questions about all the values in the settings file: 1. When choosing a package for XRAY_PART, how do you know a package is fully bonded? 2. What do the values in XRAY_ROI_TILEGRID mean and how do I know if the bounding boxes are a tight fit for the new part I'm adding? 3. How do I find out what tiles need to be added to XRAY_IOI3_TILES?
<cjearls> Does there even need to be a separate artix7_35t.sh for 35t parts, or does artix7_50t.sh work for them?
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cjearls: There are no 35t parts only 50t parts
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mithro: but does the tool currently allow to "fake" the idcode in the bitstream ?
Because they might be 50t internally but they are still fused to identify as 35t and only accept bitstreams marked for 35t.
<kgugala> @tnt there is no check in the chip, the only checks are done in the software
Oh really ? Interesting, I never tried, but I thought that the chip checked ... (a bit like the ecp5)
afaik a default Xilinx bitstream does have an IDCODE check in it like, the ECP5
also like the ECP5 you could probably create a bitstream without the IDCODE check that works on both parts (I haven't tried this for ECP5, idk what X-ray does for Xilinx)
<kgugala> I'm pretty sure I used 50t bitstream with 35t device
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mithro: I feel like calphool is now going to expect that Mistral would be able to import designs into Quartus when that... wasn't really on the cards initially.
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[fpga-interchange-schema] gatecat opened issue #50: Site PIP usage contract - https://git.io/J3XkB
[sv-tests] udif opened issue #1501: Build fails with "No rule to make target 'image/bin/surelog'" - https://git.io/J3XL1
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cjearls: What mithro meant is that the die inside a 35t is the same as a 50t, it's purely a market segmentation thing.
<cjearls> Yep, that makes sense to me. How does that affect adding support for a 35t part? Is there somewhere I can find more information on the XRAY_ROI_TILEGRID or XRAY_IOI3_TILES?
<cjearls> Or does that mean that the 35t parts are all already supported because of support for the 50t?
Title: Copy of FPGA Interchange Testing Flow - Google Zeichnungen (at docs.google.com)
<cjearls> I couldn't seem to get it working in the symbiflow-examples repo, but I'll have to run make again to remember what the error was. Maybe I was just configuring something incorrectly
<acomodi> mithro: at the moment only bit2fasm (theres a typo and the red fasm2bit should be bit2fasm) is missing
acomodi: You should have edit access
cjearls: The Arty A7-35T is the most tested part....
<acomodi> Right, fixed
<cjearls> Ok, I'm getting an error that opt/symbiflow/xc7/install/share/symbiflow/arch/xc7a50t_test/xc7a35tftg256-1/pinmap.csv doesn't exist when I try to generate a bitstream for the Mercury 2
<acomodi> @cjearls I think that, regarding the symbiflow-examples, what is missing is the pin mapping in the install package
<cjearls> Is fixing that as simple as getting the pin mapping from the database and adding a file for it?
<acomodi> There is an open issue to try and fix this, so that all the "prjxray-supported" parts (which are all the parts belonging to the 25T, 50T, .. 200T family IIRC) are supported in the toolchain
<acomodi> let me grab the link to the issue
<timo.callahan> gatecat: where should I file an issue for this? I believe it is related to an inferred tri-state, probably related to quad SPI: `ERROR: Cell type 'IFD1P3BX' instantiated as 'IFD1P3BX' is not supported by this device.`
timo.callahan: nextpnr is as good as anywhere - the workaround for now is probably to use a regular flipflop instead of an IO one (you could file a litex issue for the workaround too)
<timo.callahan> gatecat: would I still be able to get tri-state behavior on the pin, just using a different flop primitive?
yes, tristate behaviour is down to the BB primitive (or an inferred tristate) and not the flop. tristates should be fully supported
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