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<mithro> @acomodi: Can you mark which of the pathways are supported by edalize and which are tested in before the meeting today?
<tpb> Title: FPGA Interchange Testing Flow - Google Zeichnungen (at
<sf-slack1> <acomodi> mithro: sure, will do now
<mithro> @gatecat Is there a MUXF8 used in the RAM64E macro?
<gatecat> mithro: RAM64E doesn't exist. RAMD64E is a leaf primitive representing a single RAM LUT, not a macro
<gatecat> mithro: something like RAM256X1S (7-series) would include a MUXF8 in its expansion
<gatecat> there's also RAM256X1D for UltraScale that also includes a MUXF8 in its expansion
<tpb> Title: FPGA Interchange macros & chains - Google Docs (at
<mithro> RAM128X1D -- Oh - that is a dual port memory?
<gatecat> mithro: yeah RAM128XD has two outputs, one is a read write port and the other is a read port only
<gatecat> so there is no MUXF8, the outputs come from the two MUXF7s
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<mithro> @gatecat I'm pretty sure my connections on the RAM128X1D diagram are wrong, But not quite sure how to fix them....
<gatecat> mithro: hang on, I'm afk now but I'll have a go at fixing it for you later
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<gatecat> sorry, got tired of fighting google docs, let me work on a proper diagram
<gatecat> it might be tomorrow now
<cr1901_modern> Oh, did they start the transition to canvas already?
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<mithro> acomodi: I'm not sure your updates are correct to the FPGA Interchange Testing Flow are correct?
<mithro> acomodi: I'm pretty sure we don't have any tests running post synthesis simulation using a text bench?
<sf-slack1> <acomodi> mithro: we do actually. The same testbench is used for all three netlists
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<mithro> acomodi: Well awesome!
<mithro> acomodi: Can we add the target names to the diagram?
<sf-slack1> <acomodi> mithro: sure
<gatecat> mithro: this is how I think it should look
<gatecat> will pick this up properly tomorrow though
<gatecat> oops sorry some of the lines aren't quite right
<mithro> gatecat: I didn't realize the LUT itself was dual port...
<gatecat> mithro: yeah, the write address is fed to all the LUTs in the tile from the inputs to the topmost LUT
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