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<sf-slack> <bradley.boccuzzi> Hello! I currently have a lot of free time as I am in the process of looking for new work. In the meantime I want to contribute to open source hardware as it is something I have been wanting to do at the moment. Is there anywhere I can get started working on something?/Any outstanding issues that need assistance?
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<sf-slack> <kgugala> kamyar: we're happy to help with the application. Can you give us access to the doc?
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<shahzaibk23> Hi, I am Shahzaib, a 3rd year Software Engineering Student. I have 2 years experience of working with HDLs and RISC-V ISA. I also have a good grip on Python as well. I am interested in working on SV Tests history visualization Project and I am writing a proposal for it. Is anyone else also writing a proposal for that project too?
<sf-slack> <kgugala> hi shahzaibk23. I don't think anybody is working on this
<sf-slack> <kgugala> please open a draft proposal and share the doc - we can help you with it
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<_whitenotifier-5> [fpga-interchange-schema] acomodi opened issue #32: Expensive wire to node mapping -
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<kamyar> @kgugala sure. Thank you!
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<shahzaibk23> hello everyone, I have shared the draft proposal for project "SV-Tests History Visualization", there isn't any mentor mentioned in the ideas doc. So. please review my draft, so I can submit the final proposal for it.
<sf-slack> <kgugala> shahzaibk23: can you make this doc public?
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<shahzaibk23> kgugala , Sorry for inconvinience, you may view it now.
<sf-slack> <kgugala> thanks
<sf-slack> <khanvms9> ok , I'll check that out and get back to you.
<_whitenotifier-5> [sphinx_symbiflow_theme] mithro opened issue #5: Figure out what to do about extra theme options -
<shahzaibk23> kgugala , I have made the modifications you highlighted in my draft. Shall I submit the final proposal?
<sf-slack> <kgugala> I suppose - there is only 13 minutes left before the deadline :)
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<_whitenotifier-5> [symbiflow-docs] hansfbaier opened issue #476: conda env create not working in "Getting Symbiflow" -
<tpb> Title: Welcome to FPGA Interchange documentation! SymbiFlow FPGA Interchange Format 0.0-49-g9179a26 documentation (at
<_whitenotifier-5> [symbiflow-examples] hansfbaier opened issue #138: conda env create not working in "Getting Symbiflow" -
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<_whitenotifier-5> [symbiflow-examples] hansfbaier opened issue #139: Documentation: checkout of symbiflow-examples should be part of Installation part -
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