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It's fine if it is, but is "vpr_grid_map.csv" supposed to take several minutes for some of the XC7 parts?
Been running about 13 mins now
<acomodi> cr1901_modern: That target should include also the channels.db generation, which imports data from prjxray-db. `vpr_grid_map` is a byproduct of that target. At the moment it is expected to take several minutes to compute
>No progressbar disabled because non-interactive terminal.
Oh, hmmm... must not like tmux
Or ninja
That's fine if it takes several minutes... took about 15 overall
acomodi: So IIUC vpr_grid_map is the specific target that takes so long?
<acomodi> cr1901_modern: that target produces two outputs, channels.db and vpr_grid_map. What is taking long is not the generation of the grid_map itself, but rather the channels.db generation
I need to use my own copy of yosys for development on symbiflow, not the conda one. What's the quickest way to build out-of-conda-repo?
I'll copy the conda one for now
ERROR: Assert `modules_.count(name) == 0' failed in kernel/ Oh dear (my yosys is 90 commits newer than the symbiflow one)
Will do and see what happens. It's possible that within 90 commits, the plugins and my yosys diverged
if not I'll report back
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Yea w/ my freshly-compiled plugins, sometime between 0.9+3962 and 0.9+4052, the above assertion occurs. I'm not in a position to bisect this right now.
But I'll at least leave it here for later
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gatecat: This is a silly question, but playing around w/ Symbiflow Vivado... does prjtrellis/ecpunpack have a way to go from bitstream back to verilog file?
You can do it from nextpnr by supplying --write and --textcfg of course, but Idk a way to go from ASCII back to JSON
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gatecat: I was pondering how we use Cap'n'Proto to enable multiple different "styles" of rr_graph representations
tbh, just having one struct per representation type and a union of those structures probably works best
I'll give this some thought over the weekend thought
@gatecat I was pondering if it just made sense for it to be a total separate file and schema?
@gatecat Like the reference in the primary file is "See this file which is of this schema to find the data" ?
cr1901_modern: sorry, missed the ping earlier. but no it doesn't.
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mithro: yeah, that might make more sense, I probably need to look into capnp a bit more...
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<dkansagara> Hi, i am using picoSoC design for fasm 2 dcp conversion, which using fasm2bels utility i am getting below error, PROCESS_TILE[tile_type](top.conn, top, tile, tile_features) KeyError: 'BRKH_INT' It seems that the process is not defined for BRKH_INT and BRAM_INT_INTERFACE_L tiles in, should it be assumed null_process ?
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