_whitelogger has joined #teamhacksung
<whitequark> anyway, http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung/, you can like it or not
<ring0> who needs a log anyways?
<whitequark> I do
<stickyboy> Just in case netchip comes back. :)
<whitequark> you never realize you might want a log until you need it
<whitequark> and that's usually too late
<whitequark> I've been tired of this shit (and of plain html logs without full-text search; no, google doesn't work fine), and wrote a decent logger.
<whitequark> *I've got
<stickyboy> whitequark: It's nice. Good work. I tested the shift click for range selection.
<whitequark> stickyboy: it can also track conversations
<whitequark> quite useful in crowded rooms with lots of traffic
<stickyboy> Oh, like #ubuntu? I try to stay away from those ones ;)
<whitequark> it depends
<whitequark> also, full-text search. my database is currently 126M (more than 800k messages), but it's fast anyway
<ring0> being subject to supervision, always good ;)
<whitequark> as a public service, irc can't be assumed to not be logged by someone
<whitequark> stickyboy: a bit more useful example: http://irclog.whitequark.org/ruby/2012-03-08#1331233028-chain;
<whitequark> disable selection and then try to track that chain
<stickyboy> Good shit