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<hampsterblade> what is the /dev/ path for bluetooth on aries?
<Entropy512> dunno, Infuse is only 70% aries
<Entropy512> and bluetooth is part of that 30% that is totally different
<Entropy512> fucking cg2900
<hampsterblade> damn
<hampsterblade> We replaced our wifi firmware to get wifi working
<hampsterblade> But it broke bt
<hampsterblade> and we're at a loss
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<twittergal> anyone using lux auto brightness
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<squadzone> poke coolya|away
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<Rebellos> Hey there. What's the difference between "ics" and "cm-9.0.0" branches in cyanogenmod sources?
<Espenfjo> I guess the cm-9.0.0 is going to be the release branch, while ics is trunk
<jt1134> ^
<Rebellos> Thanks.
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<squadzone> Coolya, psyke have new libaudio, and i will submit new patch, but still have problem with fm radio ( loudness ), this new libaudio, using new implementation, now we can changing attenuation of FM, Headset, and Speaker
<squadzone> new libaudio has been tested and works fine on Mini, Fit, and Gio, since i have no Cooper, so i dunno xD
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<stickyboy> squadzone: Ah, yes. I'm testing psyke's changes on my Huawei U8150 port. The new libaudio came from one of his Italian U8160 users.
<squadzone> yea, did you have same problem? while turn on FM radio
<squadzone> this happen in old libaudio too
<squadzone> i made an option in CMparts, so user can changing attenuation of both
<stickyboy> squadzone: No, we haven't got FM radio to work yet. But this new libaudio solves other problems.
<stickyboy> I gotta build a beta to have my users test tonight.
<squadzone> fix audio distortion right>
<squadzone> ?
<squadzone> i hope Coolya, can fix this FM problem, i have no idea, i trying to patch framework and libaudio, but nothing, the problem came when audio is unmute for fm radio, Blast sound xD
<stickyboy> squadzone: Yah. Also some routing issues with notifications that were reworked in this new libaudio.
<squadzone> im suspect the problem with FM radio came from this "hcitool cmd 0x3f 0x15 0xf8 0x0", because i got report from logcat, hci_r 0x0
<squadzone> i trying changing with value from zte blade, and got hci_r 0x15, FM radio works fine, no loudness, but break speaker and others xD
<squadzone> stickyboy, did you have problem with phone call? white screen came when receive call
<squadzone> in cm7.2
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<davidism> I'm trying to modify the kernel .config and build with `./ galaxys2 kernel`, but there doesn't seem to be a default kernel configuration. Am I missing something?
<stickyboy> davidism: Don't modify .config... move it back to arch/arm/configs/cyanogenmod_galaxys2_defconfig (or whatver the name is)
<davidism> I hadn't modified anything yet, I was trying to get started
<stickyboy> The build script uses the parameters you pass to it in order to find the right config
<davidism> basically, I have an extra module I want to add to the kernel, so I need to know how to make this work with the build script
<stickyboy> cd kernel/samsung/smdk4210; make cyanogenmod_galaxys2_defconfig; make nconfig
<stickyboy> Then copy the resulting .config back to arch/arm/configs/cyanogenmod_galaxys2_defconfig
<stickyboy> But make sure to `make mrproper` in the kernel folder cuz it has to be clean.
<davidism> so the steps should be: make mrproper; make ...defconfig; make nconfig; cp ...?
<davidism> and then I can do ... kernel as normal?
<stickyboy> Yes. But make mrproper again before you try to build. If the build system finds a .config it will complain.
<stickyboy> The CM build system explicity looks for cyanogenmod_${device}_defconfig
<stickyboy> in arch/arm/configs
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<davidism> Assuming I have the lastest CM9 nightly installed, but I want to install the version I build using, do I copy the over and use the recovery mode?
<peterperfect> davidism let me understand
<peterperfect> you did a build but dunno how to flash? :P
<davidism> Honestly, I'm pretty new to all this. I know how to flash, I have the lastest nightly on already, but I'm not sure what to do with the stuff I build from source.
<Espenfjo> Yup
<Espenfjo> Just flash your build
<peterperfect> davidism i think its the same as other builds, just flash
<peterperfect> :)
<Espenfjo> No need to wipe or anything unless you have done huge changes to underlying stuffs
<peterperfect> meh, Espenfjo was faster
<davidism> cool, just wanted to double check before doing something bad
<Espenfjo> Flashing your first is always scary
<davidism> all I'm doing is adding a USB ethernet driver and some related options to the settings menu
<davidism> but I've never done it before so...
<Espenfjo> yup, just flash it
<Espenfjo> As long as you are doing it through recovery you are safe
<davidism> doing that right now :)
<peterperfect> davidism if it works fine you may submit your patch to gerrit
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<davidism> is there a way to replace a package rather than recompiling/flashing the entire rom? I mostly need to mess with packages/apps/Settings.
<davidism> hey, it worked! well, the kernel module did, I still need to add the settings
<Espenfjo> mmm packages/apps/Settings
<Espenfjo> Then just push the Settings.apk to /system/app
<davidism> how would I go about just compiling that apk, not the whole rom? Obviously won't cut it...
<Espenfjo> 22:12:07 < Espenfjo> mmm packages/apps/Settings
<Espenfjo> Just do that
<davidism> oh, I see, I thought the mmm were just a "hmmm"
<Espenfjo> :P
<Espenfjo> If you want to know what mmm does just type "type mmm"
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<athurh> Is there a bored developer in the room?
<athurh> When device (sgs2) wake up from deep sleep with hardware 'home' button and there aren't any lock screen set, repeatCount is equal to 1 and recent apps screen appears.
<athurh> This shit only fix the issue in some situations..
<athurh> why is set repeatCount to 1? some race condition?
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<davidism> I ran the commands `source build/; mmm packages/apps/Settings` and got the following error:
<davidism> build/core/tasks/ **********************************************************
<davidism> build/core/tasks/ * Kernel source found, but no configuration was defined *
<davidism> build/core/tasks/ * Please add the TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG variable to your *
<davidism> build/core/tasks/ * file *
<davidism> build/core/tasks/ **********************************************************
<davidism> build/core/tasks/ *** "NO KERNEL CONFIG". Stop.
<davidism> What am I doing wrong?
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<athurh> lunch cm_galaxys2-userdebug before mmm
<davidism> athurh thanks, what did that do?
<athurh> type lunch ;)
<davidism> so it just sets up the environment for a specific device?
<athurh> yes
<davidism> Why did it end up creating SettingsTests.apk instead of Settings.apk?
<athurh> what files did you modify?
<davidism> well, nothing yet, was just trying it out
<davidism> I'm going to be adding some settings for a driver I added to the kernel.
<athurh> you can try make Setting instead of mmm
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<davidism> All I get is make: Nothing to be done for "Settings"
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<athurh> make your changes
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<davidism> well that makes sense, and Settings.apk is built now
<davidism> thanks :)
<athurh> what driver are you adding?
<athurh> oh, USB ethernet driver..
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<davidism> I'll be back tomorrow with more questions probably, this is my first work with Android. You guys are really helpful though, thanks. :)
<athurh> yw
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