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<hampsterblade> ioctl(5, TIOCSETD, [15]) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
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<hampsterblade> hi kaik
<hampsterblade> Have you ever seen BT fail to line disapline errors?
<hampsterblade> ioctl(5, TIOCSETD, [15])
<Kaik541> I don't use BT
<hampsterblade> ahh, we're trying to get it working but we keeping getting a line disapline error
<Kaik541> actually I take that back, I used it earlier today to transfer an app between my GNexus and my captivate
<Kaik541> worked fine
<Kaik541> but I've never looked at logcat/dmesg while it was doing anything
<squadzone> Can anyone make a kernel gb for crespo that support ksm?
<Entropy512> <hampsterblade> Have you ever seen BT fail to line disapline errors? - only with epically derpy chipsets like CG2900
<Entropy512> ksm?
<squadzone> Yup
<hampsterblade> Entropy512 working on the galaxy s 4g, it's the bcm4329
<Entropy512> no clue then
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<squadzone> Hola
<dhiru1602> Hi
<dhiru1602> squardzone: so you are the mdpi guy :P
<squadzone> No, im ldpi, mdpi and hdpi xD
<dhiru1602> :D
<squadzone> Well, i havw mini, fit, gio, ace and zte blade xD
<squadzone> Have*
<squadzone> Lol
<dhiru1602> hmm.. atleast they got some development going :P
<stickyboy> I'm also mdpi :)
<squadzone> Lol
<dhiru1602> unlike Galaxy SL that i am working on
<dhiru1602> we haven't got a working uart to port the 3.0 kernel
<dhiru1602> hwc and omx highly depends upon the 3.0 kernel
<squadzone> Dhiru1602, do a diff, i did a diff to all files before port
<dhiru1602> you mean backport the stuff?
<squadzone> Yup
<dhiru1602> breaks way too many things
<dhiru1602> fit gio and mini are on 3.0?
<squadzone> Nope, but i backport some from there xD
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<thiagovfar> I've asked the guys at #cyanogenmod-dev about a bug on the Galaxy S B airplane mode which, I've learned, is a device specific bug. Thus, I'm dropping a line about it here, so that you know about it -- if not already.
<thiagovfar> On a Galaxy S B: If I turn on airplane mode, then turn on wifi it will not find any access point. Furthermore, the phone will soon break/reboot, airplane mode still in effect with wifi on this time.
<thiagovfar> That's for ICS, by the way.
<dhiru1602> Anyone here dealing with OMAP4 and has an idea about TI_TILER?
<codeworkx> me, but no idea
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<ius> Does anyone know of any documentation/notes on Exynos booting sequence?
<codeworkx> galaxys2 ril tty
<Espenfjo> hard to test as I have no wakelock issues with ril ;)
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<Entropy512> <Espenfjo> hard to test as I have no wakelock issues with ril ;) - same here
<Entropy512> and I think someone gerrited a different fix for it that implements purging of the TTY request from the queue
<Entropy512> <ius> Does anyone know of any documentation/notes on Exynos booting sequence? - look at AdamOutler and Rebellos' posts on Unbrickable mod
<Entropy512> it's fairly similar to Hummingbird
<Kaik541> Entropy512: someone submitted a patch that just drops all requests from RIL that aren't answered within 60 seconds I think
<Entropy512> Kaik541: I think it was a bit more detailed and only dropped unanswered requests that were of the TTY type, but not sure
<Entropy512> either way having an unanswered request jam up the queue is a bad thing, they get purged after 60 seconds anyway UNLESS a new RIL request comes in
<Entropy512> which resets the timer currently
<Kaik541> Entropy512: maybe he chnaged it from last I looked, first patch was all iirc
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<Entropy512> well, I just weighed in with my opinion on dumbassv2 and alternative governors that have more in their name than in their code in general...
<Entropy512> hahah
<Entropy512> flash back to gingerbread to check something
<Entropy512> have 39 app updates
<Entropy512> :)
<ius> Entropy512: Mmm well, looking at S3 bootloader for fun, the bootloader part starts with some data which doesn't look like code
<Entropy512> might be some sort of equivalent of TI's CH
<Entropy512> does s2's BL look similar?
<Entropy512> my guess is it's a header that sets up initialization data, and potentially has some crypto info
<Entropy512> as I understand it, the CPU is locked to only run signed bootloaders
<Entropy512> but the bootloaders only flag (but don't block) unsigned kernels
<Entropy512> that's def. a Rebellos/AdamOutler thing
<ius> Yes. Didn't look at S2, but I suspect you might be right.
<ius> Well, it's checking for custom/'official' images again, just haven't figured whether it's properly signed this time
<ius> I suspect it is, at least in theory.
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* Parth dies.
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<ius> To follow up: looks like RSA2048-SHA1, pubkey in the 'bl1' image, sigs the last 0x100 bytes of each image
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