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<CutMe> hello guys. anyone can tell me where is lock screen time out control code? I mean push powerkey lockscreen show and wait time. now it is about 10s.
<CutMe> not after unlock
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<xkonni> good morning hacksung people. wondering if you use QCOM ANC_HEADSET_ENABLED or planning to?
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<CutMe> hello guys. anyone can tell me where is lock screen time out control code? I mean push powerkey lockscreen show and wait time,not after unlock . now it is about 10s.
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<Eruura> Hey guys :)
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<Eruura> oops, wrong channel, switching to User channel
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<Eruura> hi, can anyone see this?
<cdesai> get on the user channel
<cdesai> it's #teamhacksung-support
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<Eruura> thanks, yeah this mone was on the website, just joined freenode for the first time so i thought maybemy textsm arent comingg through, anyways thanks man
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<Tom^> nect
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<Blankito7> olaaa
<Blankito7> kien la comeee
<Blankito7> chuparmela
<Blankito7> akguien
<Blankito7> ola wapaa
<Blankito7> nadie ablaa
<Blankito7> akii
<Blankito7> gagaoss
<Blankito7> hello
<Blankito7> bonjour
<Blankito7> bon a nit
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