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<kozy> hi, I am in the process of getting my usb dac (fiio e17) to function on my sgs2
<kozy> now I have succesfully compiled and enabled the required modules and I see it in /proc/asound/cards and /dev/snd
<kozy> if I try to play a sound using alsa_aplay I get the kernel message: cannot submit datapipe for urb 0, error -1: unknown error
<kozy> and aplay tells me aplay: set_params:1117: Unable to install hw params:
<kozy> but then I might be chasing the wrong rabbit since I see google has made it's own usb gadget audio driver, f_audio_source
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<kozy> by the way I am using the jelly bean preview
<kozy> any ideas on which path to follow? snd/usb/audio or maybe backport android f_audio_source.c?
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<hrhr> hi all...I've a question about building CM10 for SGSII. Who can help me&
<hrhr> ?
<stickyboy> hrhr: How far have you gotten?
<hrhr> at this link http://teamhacksung.org/wiki/index.php/CyanogenMod10:How_to_build we have standart procedure for downloading and compiling sources...with cm9 I haven' problems...but I can't find how link git repos with andorid tree
<hrhr> As I understand we haven't device merge into official CM10 tree?
<Espenfjo> Use .repo/local_manifest.xml for the device tree(s)
<hrhr> any sample?
<Espenfjo> Not sure if the build.sh do any magic, but you will need entries for device/samsung/galaxys2-common and device/samsung/i9100
<hrhr> like in CM9 tree&
<hrhr> ?
<Espenfjo> Dunno how that tree looks :)
<hrhr> <project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_galaxys2" path="device/samsung/galaxys2" remote="github" revision="ics" />
<hrhr> <project name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_smdk4210" path="kernel/samsung/smdk4210" remote="github" revision="ics" />
<hrhr> <project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_SamsungServiceMode" path="packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode" remote="github" revision="ics" />
<Espenfjo> yup, just change from cyanogenmod to teamhacksung
<hrhr> that is all what I have in my manifest for CM9
<Espenfjo> and change branch of course
<Espenfjo> and then split your CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_galaxys2 into android_device_samsung_galaxys2_common andandroid_device_samsung_i9100
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<hrhr> why I need to split?
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<hrhr> Both splitted will be in device/samsung/ ?
<Espenfjo> yes
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<hrhr> <project name="teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_galaxys2_i9100" path="device/samsung/i9100" remote="github" revision="jellybean" />
<hrhr> <project name="teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_galaxys2_common" path="device/samsung/galaxys2_common" remote="github" revision="jellybean" />
<hrhr> right?
<hrhr> Fetching projects: 2% (7/312) fatal: remote error: Repository not found
<hrhr> =(
<hrhr> error: Cannot fetch teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_galaxys2_i9100
<hrhr> lol
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<Espenfjo> not teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_galaxys2_i9100, teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_i9100
<hrhr> not teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_galaxys2_common, teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common
<Espenfjo> yes
<hrhr> how about this: error: Cannot fetch teamhacksung/android_packages_apps_SamsungServiceMode ?
<Espenfjo> you dont need that in your manifest
<hrhr> ** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_i9100'
<hrhr> ** Do you have the right repo manifest?
<hrhr> where I can find specs?
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: i get the feeling that someone in here isn't able to follow simple instuctions
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: do you think the same?
<hrhr> codeworkx: sorry =)....but with CM9 I haven't problems =(
<codeworkx> device/samsung/galaxys2_common = fail
<codeworkx> device/samsung/galaxys2-common = cool
<hrhr> <manifest> <project name="teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common" path="device/samsung/galaxys2-common" remote="github" revision="jellybean" /> <project name="teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_i9100" path="device/samsung/i9100" remote="github" revision="jellybean" />
<hrhr> <project name="teamhacksung/adroid_kernel_samsung_smdk4210" path="kernel/samsung/smdk4210" remote="github" revision="jiellybean" />
<hrhr> mmm///
<codeworkx> jielly?
<codeworkx> or jelly?
<codeworkx> hrhr: srsly, get some coffee
<hrhr> no, it mistake not in manifest...thx =) but I can't sleep until cm10 will be built
<Espenfjo> hehe, then you are in for a long day
<hrhr> <project name="teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common" path="device/samsung/galaxys2-common" remote="github" revision="jellybean" />
<hrhr> right?
<hrhr> <project name="teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_i9100" path="device/samsung/i9100" remote="github" revision="jellybean" />
<hrhr> <project name="teamhacksung/android_kernel_samsung_smdk4210" path="kernel/samsung/smdk4210" remote="github" revision="jellybean" />
<Espenfjo> try
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<hrhr> Fetching projects: 100% (311/311), done.
<hrhr> build/core/product_config.mk:189: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/*/i9100/cm.mk]]: "hardware/samsung/exynos4210.mk" does not exist. Останов.
<hrhr> after lunch cm_i9100-userdebug
<cdesai> hrhr: get hardware/samsung
<cdesai> from github
<cdesai> add it to .repo/local_manifest.xml
<Espenfjo> hm, roomservice should have fixed that one
<Espenfjo> oh well
<codeworkx> yep, roomservice cares about
<cdesai> codeworkx: so hardware/samsung via roomservice now?
<codeworkx> yep
<cdesai> i was waiting for it to be added to teh manifest
<hrhr> cdesai: hardware/samsung from teamhacksung ?
<codeworkx> hrhr: from CM
<hrhr> codeworkx: can you post somewhere your manifest for i9100 jb?
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<hrhr> <project name="CyanogenMod/hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" revision="jellybean" /> ?
<stickyboy> hrhr: Most likely android_hardware_samsung. Go check on http://github.com/CyanogenMod
<cdesai> yea android_ for all cm repos
<cdesai> also, jellybean is the default branch so no need to specify
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<ldiamond> Anyone running CM9 on a SGS2 here?
<hrhr> Yes
<hrhr> me
<hrhr> ldiamond:?
<ldiamond> Does the Google Apps Device Policy application works?
<ldiamond> s/works/work
<hrhr> Sorry, I use CM9 withiut gapps =)
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<ldiamond> hrhr, so no Google Play or anything?
<hrhr> yes
<ldiamond> Where do you get all your apps?
<hrhr> =))))) from russian forums
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<ldiamond> oh, so your phone is a member of a couple botnets? ;)
<hrhr> of course =)
<codeworkx> ldiamond: -> #teamhacksung-support
<codeworkx> ldiamond: thanks
<hrhr> codeworkx: ./proprietary-files.sh....only from nightly JB, or CM9 will works too?
<codeworkx> hrhr: jb -> jb
<hrhr> ok
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<antiochasylum> can someone please tell me what I'm missing to get this in a logcat over and over... http://pastie.org/4460608
<hrhr> make: *** Нет правила для сборки цели `vendor/cm/proprietary/RomManager.apk', требуемой для `out/target/product/i9100/system/app/RomManager.apk'. Останов.
<cdesai> hrhr: vendor/cm/get-prebuilts
<stickyboy> You're quick. :)
<hrhr> bigthx =)
<hrhr> finally!! It has started =) ...thx all...=)
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<antiochasylum> anyone? this is the n7000 device - http://pastie.org/4460608
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<antiochasylum> can you guys tell me what would cause no sound at all?
<antiochasylum> am I missing a lib or something somewhere
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<antiochasylum> xplodwild: what causes no sound?
<xplodwild> no sound what?
<antiochasylum> no ringtone sound, no notifications
<antiochasylum> nothing
<xplodwild> you didn't put blobs
<xplodwild> HAL
<xplodwild> audio
<xplodwild> module
<antiochasylum> can you add it to the build, or do you need to build again with it added?
<xplodwild> add
<antiochasylum> ok, can you tell me where i an find it?
<xplodwild> samsung files
<antiochasylum> so i need to rebuild then
<xplodwild> you can push them to your device without rebuilding
<dish> I noticed tv out for the s2 is noted as probably never going to work, whats the reason for that?
<antiochasylum> do you know specifically the files? or need to go hunt lol
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<xplodwild> antiochasylum: grep audio
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<codeworkx> dish: missing stuff, missing documentation about it
<codeworkx> dish: and zero motivation to work on it
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<antiochasylum> Ok, i must be stupid, i cannot find the audio stuff anywhere
<stickyboy> antiochasylum: Look in /system/lib/. There are millions of .so files there.
<stickyboy> Look in your logcat, starting from the top. It's bound to mention a missing lib.
<xplodwild> antiochasylum: did you extract them from your device running an official ROM first?
<antiochasylum> yes
<antiochasylum> running cm9
<antiochasylum> extracted
<xplodwild> then system/lib/hw
<dish> codeworkx: thanks, awesome work on the jb rom runs amazingly
<antiochasylum> ok
<antiochasylum> sry, i took my retard medicine today
<antiochasylum> how does jb run on the i9300 - about to get one
<codeworkx> good but same shit as on every samsung phone
<antiochasylum> figured as much, thought it might have a slight advantage with 2 more cores :P
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<t-y-l-e-r> who here is going nexus line after their current device?
<stickyboy> t-y-l-e-r: Me. :)
<t-y-l-e-r> codeworkx?
<t-y-l-e-r> xplodwild?
<stickyboy> We all have Gnex already :)
<t-y-l-e-r> i know Entropy512 has talked about it
<xplodwild> I have a nexus too
<stickyboy> People buy codeworkx phones... he doesn't buy his own anymore ;)
<t-y-l-e-r> damn i need to develop
<stickyboy> But yeah, Nexus is the only way to go for main phone. Other phones for hacking and crying... and throwing at the wall.
<t-y-l-e-r> lol
<codeworkx> it's the truth. samsung phones are just toys
<t-y-l-e-r> i just have my i777 right now
<t-y-l-e-r> im going nexus for sure
<codeworkx> nexus isn't as powerfull as the s2/s3, but it's more smooth and does everything you want it to do. so why the hell 4 cores or mali 12000000?
<t-y-l-e-r> thats true. overkill lol
<hrhr> codeworkx: I've have a fresh build, thx!!! can I install it over CM9 or need wipe?
<xplodwild> since JB, nexus is as smooth as any other quadcore high-end phone
<xplodwild> (even better)
<inffy> i still like gnex more than my S3
<codeworkx> hrhr: flash cm, flash jb gapps, reboot
<t-y-l-e-r> i should have sold my i777 when it was worth something and got a gnex
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<stickyboy> t-y-l-e-r: Gnex is only $350 in the US :)
<t-y-l-e-r> yah i know but resale value of i777 is only like 250 i think
<t-y-l-e-r> should be 350 cause its running cm9 stable ;)
<codeworkx> haz bugz
<codeworkx> ;-)
<codeworkx> bugs don't count as +
<t-y-l-e-r> what bugs?
<codeworkx> car tuning doesn't make the car more expensive
<t-y-l-e-r> codeworkx i just meant that cm9 is awesome
<t-y-l-e-r> but youre right
<codeworkx> cm yes, the phone not
<codeworkx> :-D
<t-y-l-e-r> lol
<hrhr> codeworkx: why in cm9 on SGSII I have allways charging even I disable usb or charger? But in CM10 I haven't seen this...
<t-y-l-e-r> sammy firmware just isnt the best
<codeworkx> hrhr: ???
<t-y-l-e-r> even now i miss my nexus s and liked it better than my i777
<hrhr> when I connect charger to my SGSII it charging. When I unplug it SGSII not detect it...but in stock FW and in CM10 all fine
<codeworkx> works fine on mine
<hrhr> m/b hw bug?
<codeworkx> how when it works on cm10 and sammy?
<hrhr> as I see, on your cm-10-20120809-EXPERIMENTAL-i9100-CODEWORKX.zip works fine, correctly detect any plug of cable
<codeworkx> how should it be a hw bug?
<codeworkx> works on cm10 but not on cm9. ... can't be a hw bug then
<hrhr> =) I don't know =)
<codeworkx> it's probably the special anti-aosp-chip
<codeworkx> if rom = cm9 -> do strange things
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<hrhr> codeworkx: any chanse for getting UMS mode on CM10?
<Espenfjo> hrhr: soon
<Espenfjo> Tomorrows nightly perhaps
<hrhr> nice, thx
<Espenfjo> I started porting it just half an hour ago or something :D
<hrhr> =)))
<antiochasylum> god damn, copied the entire lib directory and still no sound
<antiochasylum> i'm clueless now
<codeworkx> antiochasylum: system/lib/hw/audio.primary.xxx.so
<antiochasylum> exynos4 in this case
<stickyboy> antiochasylum: Logcat might be helpful.
<stickyboy> Look for stuff about audio :)
<antiochasylum> ok
<antiochasylum> i'm seeing this alot
<antiochasylum> D/Ringtone( 2352): Successfully created local player W/WVMExtractor( 1910): Failed to open libwvm.so
<Espenfjo> thats normal
<antiochasylum> here is the entire thing
<antiochasylum> E/AudioTrack( 2139): Could not get audio output for stream type 1
<Espenfjo> a billion errors
<Espenfjo> dunno
<antiochasylum> yea, exactly what i said
<antiochasylum> lol
<codeworkx> antiochasylum: may i ask what you're trying to do?
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<antiochasylum> get a build of liquidsmooth running
<antiochasylum> finally got it booting, but no sounds now
<antiochasylum> about to give up
<antiochasylum> you guys are the only knowledgeable people who would attempt to help
<antiochasylum> but I dont think it will work. to much stuff from liquid is missing. even using the you guy's github
<codeworkx> wtf is liquidlulz?
<antiochasylum> liquid smooth
<antiochasylum> same neighborhood of aokp
<antiochasylum> but smaller
<codeworkx> never heard about
<antiochasylum> yea, they only have like 7 devices supported
<codeworkx> everything which was kangable without knowledge? :-P
<antiochasylum> the main guy has knowledge lol
<antiochasylum> but yea, cluess as to sounds
<antiochasylum> wont even play music
<stickyboy> antiochasylum: Just use CM. :)
<antiochasylum> i do
<antiochasylum> lol
<antiochasylum> just kind of a personal venture of mine
<stickyboy> Fuck the pretenders.
<antiochasylum> lol
<stickyboy> antiochasylum: Don't waste your time on lame kangs. Unless you're 14. Then by all means, waste your time.
<antiochasylum> lol, not 14
<antiochasylum> doulbe that :P
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<stickyboy> If you are using digits instead of letters in your kang, then you should also please waste your time.
<stickyboy> Also capital letters in weird places.
<stickyboy> ie, HyDrAOSP.
<antiochasylum> you know what I find amazing? people will trade a i9300 for the iphone 4s
<antiochasylum> HAHA
<stickyboy> And Cyanol33t.
<stickyboy> Or some other stupid shit. :)
<stickyboy> There is no other AOSP ROM which is doing *real* development.
<stickyboy> You will ALWAYS come back to CyanogenMod to kang patches. Always. :)
<uberushaximus> +1
<antiochasylum> oh yea i know that
<antiochasylum> thats why I always come back to CM
<stickyboy> It's tempting to go waste time on AOKP or whatever... until you realize they're way less organized, less professional, etc.
<antiochasylum> people just like shit tons of useless customizations
<stickyboy> If codeworkx gets hit by a bus, we're screwed.
<antiochasylum> haha yea we are
<codeworkx> stickyboy: why? buy nexus
<antiochasylum> codeworkx: how did you learn so much?
<codeworkx> snuggling with a bus might be cool
<stickyboy> codeworkx: But still, don't get hit by a bus. :)
<codeworkx> antiochasylum: try and error
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<stickyboy> codeworkx: Actually, we'd be fine without you. Just a few weeks setback. ;)
<antiochasylum> lol
<antiochasylum> how long have you been doing this codeworkx
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<codeworkx> antiochasylum: since i9000
<antiochasylum> Very nice, you love to hate samsung dont you lol
<codeworkx> yeah
<codeworkx> 3 fucked up phones
<codeworkx> i9000 i9100 i9300
<antiochasylum> lol
<antiochasylum> is i9300 worth getting?
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<codeworkx> no
<antiochasylum> damn, i was going to trade an iphone 4s for one
<antiochasylum> should I just sell instead
<stickyboy> Wait for OMAP5 phones. Or a new Nexus around Christmas.
<antiochasylum> never been impressed with omap
<stickyboy> antiochasylum: Forget being impressed.
<codeworkx> omap is awesome
<stickyboy> The code is better. :)
<stickyboy> Not as fast as z0mg Exynos... but way easier to port stuff to OMAP.
<stickyboy> Gnex is buttery, without relying on blobs... even with less horsepower than Exynos stuff.
<stickyboy> Leave Galaxy SIII for the soroity girls.
<stickyboy> Stick with Nexus :)
<antiochasylum> yea, i wasnt a fan of the gnex lol
<inffy> why?
<antiochasylum> just felt slow to me, i guess
<antiochasylum> coming from codeworkx's build of cm9 when it first came out to gnex, felt like iphone slow
<stickyboy> antiochasylum: I agree, it performed sub par.
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<antiochasylum> so sell the iphone and wait for nexus eh
<stickyboy> I dunno. I like tinkering, so I use Android.
<antiochasylum> true
<stickyboy> And Apple pisses me off. I like `fastboot oem unlock`.
<antiochasylum> codeworkx, xplodwild, Espenfjo thank you guys for the help
<antiochasylum> and stickyboy too :P
<antiochasylum> for talking lol
<stickyboy> :D
<antiochasylum> i got my nexus 7, turned it on
<antiochasylum> got update, reboot fastboot oem unlock
<stickyboy> Yah. :\
<stickyboy> I have an iPod Touch. It's always a pain in the ass to jailbreak. I fucking hate it. All I want is root, so I can scrobble to Last.fm. :)
<antiochasylum> lol, i use an ipod nano for the gym
<antiochasylum> because i cant carry around a galaxy note at the gym, to big in my pocket :P
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<ohanar> insignal is still down :(
<stickyboy> Bummer.
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* wergeld is finally on the Nexus bandwagon
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<funky81> anyone know how to rebuild light.exynos4.so ?
<funky81> but i dont know how to rebuild it
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<funky81> anyone know?
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<DAGr8> how can I revert a commit if git revert gives me an error ?
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<funky81> you can use revert or reset
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<DAGr8> yea reset fixe dme
<DAGr8> thx
<funky81> np
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