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<remicks> anyone want the apple vs samsung liveblog link that doesnt have it?
<remicks> for closing args
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<Entropy512> anything audio-related on SGS2 is closed-source blobs from hell
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<penkeerthi> Hey guys, the nightly build for CM10 galaxy s2..
<penkeerthi> the link doesnt work
<penkeerthi> i get this error KeyError: 'i9100'
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<ldiamond> Entropy512, yea but does that include the voice data feed coming over the air?
<ldiamond> or maybe that's just passed straight from the radio to the audio chip?
<Entropy512> straight from radio to audio chip, if you want to route it to some sort of recording you need to route it
<Entropy512> and - that requires the blobs
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<JRobson23> Hey guys :)
<JRobson23> I have a question about CM9
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<bhundven> wish there was a bot here that responded like !ask in #debian
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<DuperMan> w00t
<DuperMan> :D
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<sbrissen> anyone have a chance to look over my pull request to add support for the d710 to the smdk4210 common kernel?
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<Entropy512> sbrissen: Stopped looking when I talked to chris41g
<Entropy512> since he's not planning on using a common kernel
<Entropy512> if you want it pulled, convince him
<sbrissen> hes working on cm9
<sbrissen> afaik he was going to work on cm10
<Entropy512> he's been working CM10 too
<Entropy512> I told him to look at the pull request
<Entropy512> since merging to common kernel wasn't possible with the old I9100 sources for many devices
<Entropy512> but might be for the new one
<Entropy512> but I'm not going to merge something to the common kernel the maintainer has no plans on using
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<sbrissen> alright ill talk to him. i have an aosp jb and theres unofficial cm10 using the kernel based of smdk4210 common
<Entropy512> k, sounds good
<sbrissen> didn't know he was considered the maintainer
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<Entropy512> sbrissen: as far as I know it's either him or mkasick
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<sbrissen> k
<peterperfect> Entropy512 that cm for mk802 is kinda borked and ugly
<peterperfect> =/
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<Entropy512> peterperfect: which one, christian try's, or turl's?
<Entropy512> oh wait turl doesn't support mk802 yet so must be CT's
<peterperfect> CTs
<peterperfect> borks /sdcard mount very badly
<peterperfect> and really has a lot of hax on that kernel modules
<peterperfect> we need a kernel pro on that :D
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<whitequark> hm
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<whitequark> CM9 can't call with emergency numbers at all
<whitequark> s,with,,
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<UnknownzD> does anyone here know much about the emmc_cap_erase bug?
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<psyke83> coolyaz: you there?
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<veck> can this be hacked?
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<peterperfect> ?
<cantIntoCode> veck: yes
<veck> can u tell how?
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<veck> it's my college hostels wifi security
<cantIntoCode> I was joking I have no idea
<veck> they give us very low download limit
<cantIntoCode> live with it
<peterperfect> dude... is probably the local lan
<peterperfect> you will not hack into that
<UnknownzD> veck, and wtf you ask in an android channel? lol
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<Espenfjo> doh
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<diego-ch> lol
<peterperfect> Espenfjo doh whatz?
<Espenfjo> doh the rfc1918 guy
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<diego-ch> hey guys, does anyone know how to fix this?
<diego-ch> <4>[ 257.417907] dhd: no symbol version for module_layout
<diego-ch> dmesg is getting flooded with this message
<diego-ch> wifi is not working
<diego-ch> the device is a samsung gt-i9070, galaxy s advance, and it uses bcm4330
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<diego-ch> logcat shows this when the phone tries to enable wifi:
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<Johnsel> codeworkx, around?
<cantIntoCode> probably sleeping afaik it's midnight in germany
<Johnsel> yeah probably
<Johnsel> i'll try him again tomorrow no problemo
<UnknownzD> hmmm I need a bash expert here just to get Samsung kernel src code working
<UnknownzD> anyone here? :\
<UnknownzD> damn I hate to see that Samsung made a makefile
<UnknownzD> that doesn't work
<UnknownzD> does any know what $@ do?
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<UnknownzD> ok I just see what $@ does
<UnknownzD> thx
<th3g1z> lmao i just scrolled up to where veck was asking if a 10.x.x.x ip could be hacked :P
<th3g1z> made me lol
<th3g1z> anyway, UnknownzD, did you get it to work?
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