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<DAGr8> anone knows where TeamChopsticks irc is ?
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<PandaUK> anyone here?
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<PandaUK> does anyone know how to make the HDMI adapter work for the galaxy s3? ive plugged everything in correctly and its just giving me "no signal", im using cm10
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<DAGr8> who s around
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<yath> re http://review.cyanogenmod.com/21300 - is this really good on galaxysmtd?
<yath> /system 350M 299M 50M 4096
<yath> /data 1G 674M 1G 4096
<yath> (before update)
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<yath> ah, dalvik-cache is symlinked to /system
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<hrhr> codeworkx, are you here?
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<hrhr> ...m/b somebody else can help me.....I have strange bug on CM9/10 own builds...when I plug charger system detect it and start charging...after unpluging cable system not recognize this action and stay in charging process. Only after reboot it return to normal state. This situation both AC charger and USB.
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<simonckenyon> where will i get vendor/samsung/smdk4210-tab/props/system/lib/hw/hwcomposer.smdk4210.so
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<stickyboy> simonckenyon: That's a typo.
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<stickyboy> simonckenyon: CM9 or CM10?
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<Portus> hi all
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<stickyboy> ohanar: You around? Just got CM10 booting finally.
<ohanar> yeah, was just going to ping you :p
<stickyboy> I was busy in a workshop all week :)
<stickyboy> So CM10 is smooth. First issue, no navbar...
<Espenfjo> :)
<ohanar> you successfully compiled cm10 then?
<stickyboy> Yah
<stickyboy> I did CM9 today and wifi didn't work, not sure what you changed lately.
<ohanar> hmm, I changed wifi back to nl80211
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<stickyboy> Ok, we can sort that out later.
<stickyboy> In CM10 the dock is supposed to be on the right, right?
<ohanar> nexus 7 style?
<stickyboy> Yeah, that's how mine looks... but there's no navbar.
<ohanar> yeah, I noticed that too, but I have to turn up the dpi to get that layout
<stickyboy> And I have a notification drawer... is that Nexus 7 style?
<ohanar> the logic to turn out the layout is really dumb
<ohanar> to determine*
<stickyboy> Hmm, ro.sf.lcd_density is 160.
<ohanar> I think we should add a couple of props to override the default logic if they are set
<stickyboy> Yours is ok, though?
<ohanar> since the default logic is dumb (seriously shouldn't have to override the dpi to set the ui layout)
<ohanar> well mine is tablet ui at 160
<ohanar> nexus 7 ui at 178
<ohanar> (see link for the logic)
<ohanar> with the nexus 7 ui I don't have a navbar either, don't know why
<stickyboy> Yeah, so mine must be Nexus 7 cuz I don't have a navbar.
<stickyboy> I've never used a Nexus 7 so I dunno hehe.
<stickyboy> That's "Phablet" people keep talking about, I assume.
<ohanar> yup
<DAGr8> ^^
<DAGr8> neone ?
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<stickyboy> Bought some fish today. Put 'em in my big tank. Went to work. Came home and the turtles had eaten them. Fuck.
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<whitequark> stickyboy: RTFM
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<stickyboy> whitequark: Yeah, turtles eat fish. :)
<whitequark> is it just me
<whitequark> or the word "phablet" sounds stupid?
<whitequark> like, really fucking stupid
<stickyboy> whitequark: Yeah, I didn't coin it.
<whitequark> I know, I'm seeing it all over the internets now
<ohanar> stickyboy: I've perused through grouper's configuration and I don't understand how they have a navbar and we don't
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<Entropy512> ohanar: tvdpi vs. mdpi?
<ohanar> yeah
<Entropy512> probably need to change your dpi setup
<Entropy512> and it'll show
<ohanar> dpi setup? not meaning lcd_density?
<stickyboy> Well P3100 is 1024x600... and codeworkx's has it configured as 160 dpi.
<stickyboy> That's the same as P6200. I wonder if P3100 has a navbar. :)
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<ohanar> he also configured at a normal hdpi device
<stickyboy> Ah, true.
<codeworkx> look at android dev site
<codeworkx> there's a graphic
<codeworkx> which explains what to chose
<codeworkx> a 7” tablet (600x1024 mdpi)
<codeworkx> mdpi
<ohanar> this page?:http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html
<stickyboy> codeworkx: But you are using hdpi for p3100.
<codeworkx> i'm not
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<Entropy512> blubblubrom is rapidly driving me nutso...
<codeworkx> stickyboy: resources which are getting included
<codeworkx> stickyboy: it's set to 160 dpi
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<codeworkx> stickyboy: uses phablet mode
<stickyboy> Hmm. According to that graphic, I should use large mdpi.
<Entropy512> codeworkx: that says hdpi right there, not mdpi
<ohanar> codeworkx: so we ignore the developer's guide to get the right resources?
<codeworkx> mdpi should be there too
<codeworkx> you can also set PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG := normal ldpi mdpi hdpi xhdpi xxhdpi
<Entropy512> codeworkx: did you put that in -common, because it's not in what you linked
<codeworkx> then everything gets included
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<codeworkx> stickyboy: 7" at 1024x600 should be large mdpi
<under> hello
<stickyboy> codeworkx: Yah. Isn't p3100 7" at 1024x600 as well?
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> dunno why i did it, but afaik there we're problems with the phone app
<codeworkx> was totally messed up
<stickyboy> Hmm, with that I get Phablet, but no navbar. :)
<codeworkx> i don't have this device to test
<codeworkx> that's the problem
<stickyboy> Ah.
<codeworkx> did you set <bool name="config_showNavigationBar">true</bool>
<codeworkx> ?
<codeworkx> dunno if it does something here
<codeworkx> but try it
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<stickyboy> Will do
<stickyboy> ohanar: I'm using your muppets fork... it compiles and boots, but there's no p6200 props in it.
<stickyboy> Crazy...
<ohanar> were you using the wrong branch?
<under> goodbye
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<stickyboy> Err. I dunno. They're there.
<stickyboy> Anyways, I decided to extract files and it wouldn't compile.
<PandaUK> if i restore a backup back to cm9 from cm10, then update that cm9, will anything go wrong?
<PandaUK> or should i just do a clean install?
<ohanar> stickyboy: did you have any errors when you extracted files; you have to pull from a working cm10 (cm9 won't work)
<stickyboy> ohanar: Ah, I pulled from stock ICS.
<ohanar> stickyboy: speaking of which, I just pushed a change to that
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<stickyboy> ohanar: codeworkx was right, we need <bool name="config_showNavigationBar">true</bool>
<stickyboy> I have a navbar now...
<codeworkx> using large mdpi?
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<stickyboy> codeworkx: Using large mdpi.
<codeworkx> stickyboy: check phone app plx
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