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<remicks> so I hear this is where the cool kids hang out.
<Zhenech> no, the kids are in #teamhacksung-support :)
<remicks> haha
<remicks> true that.
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<remicks> this is the chan for people who don't ask idiotic questions then?
<remicks> besides the previous one.
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: you about
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<ohanar> cyberkryption: yeah
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: i am waiting for my new galaxy tab as other one had screen broke in car accident. have samsung realeased the source for the gtp-6200 yet ?
<ohanar> cyberkryption: yes they have
<cyberkryption> ohanar: have you moved to the samsung sources for the kernel / wifi etc ?
<ohanar> yes, but with some modifications
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<cyberkryption> how is the wifi ?
<ohanar> works perfectly on some networks, not at all on others
<cyberkryption> is it due to encryption on wpa i.e tkip vs aes-ccmp?
<ohanar> not sure, haven't really taken an in-depth look at it -- I'm dreading it, and using wpa_supplicant from the stock rom is a functional hotfix for the time being
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<cyberkryption> have you put the changes on github ? as i like wifi stuff
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<ohanar> cyberkryption: everything is on github
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<fredst> codeworkz et. al. : if I want read up on the hwcomposer module, where would you send me? reading here a.t.m.
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<fredst> meh misspell codeworkx even
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<fredst> tnx. The gfx stack architecture is unnafected between ics and jb? The tripple buffer implementation doesnt change anything?
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: when i get my device in the next day or to i will repo sync
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<fredst> TB is just part of surfaceflinger or wut? excuse nab questions. I'll prolly find the answer before you read it :)
<Espenfjo> think so
<ohanar> cyberkryption: If you haven't built in awhile, things have changed. See the Tab 7.7 OP for build instructions.
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<cyberkryption> ohanar: will do where is tab 7.7 op on github or xda ?
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<WhiteWidow> Has anone on the team looked into MHL support on aosp baised roms? If yes Id like to go over what has been done thus far whith whomeever has tried to get it working. I have an ET4G...
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<Entropy512> WhiteWidow: codeworkx tried a few weeks ago
<Entropy512> made surfaceflinger crash
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<Entropy512> try it if you like black screen on boot. :P
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<antiochasylum> Getting this error building, anyone care to chime in?
<antiochasylum> Last time, xplodwild said it was because i didnt extract files, did this time, same error
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<antiochasylum> anyone?
<xplodwild> mkdir + touch
<antiochasylum> ok
<antiochasylum> same error, damn, I dont get i
<antiochasylum> it
<Espenfjo> mkdir out/target/product/n7000/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libmediayamahaservice_intermediates/
<Espenfjo> touch out/target/product/n7000/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libmediayamahaservice_intermediates/export_includes
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<antiochasylum> ok, what does the touch do?
<Espenfjo> create an empty file
<antiochasylum> ohh ok, lets try again them
<antiochasylum> why do you create an empty file? - to write to?
<yath> of course. see the JCL for how many blocks are to be allocated.
<yath> i'd rather use SMS though
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<antiochasylum> i keep getting random stops, here is the last one Espenfjo, external/bash/subst.c:6797:11: warning: 'modspec' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] external/bash/subst.c:6919:34: note: 'modspec' was declared here
<antiochasylum> just start it up again?
<antiochasylum> another, external/bash/trap.c:707:28: warning: variable 'retval' might be clobbered by 'longjmp' or 'vfork' [-Wclobbered]
<antiochasylum> god, I'm having so many stops, damn
<antiochasylum> make: *** [out/target/product/n7000/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/hwcomposer.exynos4_intermediates/SecHWCUtils.o] Error 1 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
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<antiochasylum> I dont understand these, external/mdnsresponder/mDNSCore/DNSDigest.c:1365:8: warning: array subscript is above array bounds [-Warray-bounds]
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<Entropy512> imnuts: sounds like Verizon fucked you over?
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<antiochasylum> make: *** [out/target/product/n7000/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/hwcomposer.exynos4_intermediates/SecHWCUtils.o] Error 1 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
<antiochasylum> stopping on this now
<antiochasylum> anyone?