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<viperboy> hey Entropy512 and Espenfjo how are you guys?
<ibrahima> woah it's a note party :)
<viperboy> lol yeah
<viperboy> came to see if these gentlemen were on or not
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<funky81> guys, does anyone know how to debug endless boot loop?
<alienmind> logcat
<funky81> it doesnt show
<funky81> i think the bootloop before it initialize the logcat
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<alienmind> what did you flashed
<funky81> i want to debug which part of the kernel that make it like that
<funky81> i flash kernel
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<alienmind> you need some console then
<alienmind> try to boot the kernel on qemu (but I've never done)
<alienmind> just an idea
<funky81> aahhh...good idea
<funky81> nice..
<funky81> thanks
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<Entropy512> <funky81> i think the bootloop before it initialize the logcat - uart
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