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<loxs> hi folks, how do I know if my Galaxy SII is M/P/T or G variant?
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<loxs> looking here, and wondering http://teamhacksung.org/wiki/index.php/CyanogenMod10
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<stickyboy> loxs: Just go to About Phone
<stickyboy> Model Number:....
<loxs> stickyboy, it says GT-I9100
<loxs> there is no M/P/T or G afterwards?
<stickyboy> Then you have the "normal" S II.
<stickyboy> The original International version.
<loxs> and "normal" is the one labeled M/P/T ?
<stickyboy> You're not listening to me.
<stickyboy> You have the version that it says you have...
<stickyboy> GT-I9100
<stickyboy> Don't over think it :)
<loxs> ok, but then which column here is my column http://teamhacksung.org/wiki/index.php/CyanogenMod10
<stickyboy> The GT-I9100 one.
<stickyboy> Are you trying to compile or just flash?
<stickyboy> Either way, you want to use "galaxys2".
<stickyboy> Don't pay attention to that teamhacksung page.
<codeworkx> cm10 = i9100
<pier|brunch> cody morning :)
<codeworkx> morning
<stickyboy> codeworkx: Ah, I just noticed you guys renamed it in CM10 recently.
<loxs> thanks
<loxs> yes, that was the thing that bugged me
<loxs> now I know, not galaxys2 but i9100
<stickyboy> loxs: Well I guess "galaxys2" is confusing. Samsung purposefully tries to confuse users.
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: You around to do a test for me?
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<stickyboy> Or maybe codeworkx?
<DuperMan> operators are standing by
<stickyboy> DuperMan: ?
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