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<Entropy512> should be cm-10-<date>
<Entropy512> and last thing you should see should be Package Complete: blahblahblah
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<acidfreeze> man it crashed
<acidfreeze> missing romanager.apk
<acidfreeze> dunno why
<acidfreeze> i am just grabbing it off my phone
<Entropy512> I think I mentioned earlier
<Entropy512> you need to run vendor/cm/get-prebuilts instead of get-rommanager
<acidfreeze> yep sorry already ran prebuilts
<acidfreeze> and this is what i am building with source build/ && brunch i777
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<Zhenech> Espenfjo, remember my phone bootlooping and we thought it was Netd? it were the missing camera libs, fuck logging
<Espenfjo> :D
<Zhenech> now it at least boots
<Zhenech> not that i would have working gsm or anything, but a booted device
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<acidfreeze> Entropy512: just wanted to thank you again. Was able to get it compiled on my gentoo box. thanks so much
<Zhenech> suppose i have an unsupported sammy device, how do i tinker CM to talk with the sammy RIL?
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<Espenfjo> frameworks/base/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ for example
<Zhenech> ty, looking
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<Espenfjo> RILs are magic, though
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<Zhenech> I have a feeling that everything on android has a bit of magic applied to it
<Espenfjo> nah, just samsung things
<Espenfjo> and ril/modem is two of the blackest boxes you can find
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<Zhenech> is ril even the place I have to look when phone says "baseband: unknown" and "imei: unknown"?
<Espenfjo> hm, no, you probably have derped your /efs partition
<Zhenech> never touched it, and it works just fine on sammys stock 2.3.5
<Espenfjo> hm
<Zhenech> my memory tries to tell me it worked on AOSP once, lemme dig out that zip i used back then and retry
<Espenfjo> rild reads som stuff from /efs atleast, so it may be ril that get imei info as well
<Zhenech> yepp, works on some weird aosp rom
<Zhenech> (rom for GalaxyR, replaced kernel with the one for the Glide → works)
<Zhenech> any odea how this could relate?
<Zhenech> wtf is for a property?
<Espenfjo> The device configuration point at some serial interface during build (/dev/ttyS0), it may be that your kernel do not have the correct driver connected to that character dvice?
<Zhenech> both system.props say /dev/ttyS0
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<Zhenech> and the kernel is basically the same (just wrapped in a different boot.img)
<Espenfjo> you have /sbin/cbd and /system/sbin/rild (I didnt the last time I struggeled XD)
<Espenfjo> aka yesterday
<Zhenech> no cbd
<Zhenech> where should it come from?
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: cbd is i9300 ;-)
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<Espenfjo> codeworkx: yeah, that may be true :) Just worked extremely bad without it ;)
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<danyasd> is the cam (S3 int JB cm) still very buggy? I get a lot of FC's and the cam is not reachable..
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<codeworkx> danyasd: known
<danyasd> okey.. lösung in aussicht? :)
<codeworkx> no
<danyasd> ok :I
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