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<screwsss> heyhey
<screwsss> can anyone point me in the direction of htc legend devs
<codeworkx> #cyanogenmod-dev
<screwsss> cheers
<screwsss> codeworkx - i noticed you submitted a review for htc legend
<screwsss> about mass storage of usb.sys
<screwsss> didnt like it eh
<screwsss> oh wait
<screwsss> mayb not legend
<codeworkx> i9300
<screwsss> whats that mean
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<koud> that you are in the wrong channel X)
<screwsss> ahaha
<screwsss> i came here with a question actually
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<bouncer> Hello wonderful people.
<bouncer> I need help with i9000
<bouncer> Basiclly stuck in recovery.
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<bouncer> When I intall zip it says install complete
<bouncer> But imstuck after that
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