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<Guest23331> Hello all
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<Guest23331> anyone here ?
<Guest23331> mayday mayday ! Can any1 hear me ?
<peterperfect> sup
<Guest23331> hello peter . Can team hacksung also codes kernel/ for galaxy mini ?
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<peterperfect> i doubting
<peterperfect> nobody want to touch samsung anymore
<peterperfect> i doubt it
<Guest23331> hmm maybe because its a lagacy ?
<Guest23331> lol then what is teamhack(sam)sung all about?
<datagutt> it is all about sony, every developer from teamhacksung hates samsung at the moment
<datagutt> :P
<datagutt> And yes, if they are going to code for something, it will probably be a new device
<Guest23331> I thought samsung was doing good . :P
<Guest23331> thanks data
<datagutt> Not code wise
<datagutt> :)
<Guest23331> one more thing
<datagutt> Samsung code has so many problems
<Guest23331> if i want to use otg on a mobile that does'nt support otg (galaxy MINI ) then I need a ICS or upper rom and kernel support only
<Guest23331> or do i need some hardware support also?
<cdesai> h/w support as well
<Guest23331> oh jeez that was the last thing i wanted to know
<Guest23331> thanks anyway
<Xello> id have guessed that, the hardware needs to feed the device power etc
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<Guest23331> I think that is what kernel update is for. To provide low level support
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<DAGr8> public class 'a' stripped of unavailable super class 'b'
<DAGr8> can anyone tell me the meaning of this
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<nebkat> DAGr8: are you trying to decompuile an apk?
<DAGr8> no im building from source
<nebkat> DAGr8: building what?
<DAGr8> frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ error 111: Public class stripped of unavailable superclass
<DAGr8> nebkat im trying to hack some PA features into my build
<DAGr8> aosp JB based
<nebkat> DAGr8: what?
<nebkat> PA?
<DAGr8> i indeed made mods to that file but if i undo them the error persists so its nto that specific file
<DAGr8> Paranoid android
<nebkat> stop using paranoid android
<nebkat> it is a hack
<DAGr8> exactly
<DAGr8> i m not using it
<nebkat> dont ask about it here
<DAGr8> lol
<nebkat> we are for clean stuff
<nebkat> not haxx
<DAGr8> im stripping the features and dropping them into sou-rce
<nebkat> ktnxbai
<nebkat> what features specifically?
<DAGr8> the one single thing they did that doesnt deserve a whole rom build around
<DAGr8> ;p
<DAGr8> per app basis without reboot
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<DAGr8> its basically 2 apk and 2 jar files
<DAGr8> and I can build them
<DAGr8> but i cannot build the whole rom I get that silly error
<DAGr8> well thx for trying at least
<DAGr8> :o
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<dagb> datagutt: you were not kidding about your sony comment earlier?
<datagutt> well
<datagutt> codeworkx switched to sony
<datagutt> but not anybody else
<datagutt> :P
<dagb> are they more forthcoming with sources?
<dagb> I plan to buy a 10" tablet somewhere btetween now and xmas. I wonder what to buy.
<dagb> I like that the samsung note 10 has 2G RAM.
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<dagb> 2G RAM and full HD would be even better
<mcgeagh> hi, i have a question regarding building CM10 for the i9300.....
<mcgeagh> when running, it cant locate and pull 2 files, RS_M9MO and nfc.smdk4x12
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<mcgeagh> how do i get these from my nightly? it fails to build when it gets to RS_M9MO because of this and thus i cant proceed
<mcgeagh> hi, im having issues building CM10 for i9300... basically i need 2 files which fails to find....
<mcgeagh> RS_M9MO.bin and
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<codeworkx> mcgeagh: how about fixing the extract script?
<mcgeagh> i dont know where RS_M9MO is though
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<mcgeagh> i cant find it on the device, so i cant rewrite the script to get it from its new location
<codeworkx> not there because it's not needed
<mcgeagh> right i see
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<codeworkx> mcgeagh: sync and build
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<dagb> codeworkx: you're ditching (hacking/coding for) samsung devices?
<codeworkx> right
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<dagb> fair enough. care to recommend a 10" tablet? from a "hackability" perspective?
<mcgeagh> thanks codeworkx !
<codeworkx> dagb: there are no
<codeworkx> dagb: Galaxy Tab 2 but that's probably to old
<dagb> I was afraid of that
<dagb> codeworkx: are they all tegra3 or exynos4 at this time?
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<codeworkx> dagb: looks like
<dagb> codeworkx: and the good shit would be named .... S4?
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<codeworkx> dagb: s4 seems to be a clever choise
<dagb> codeworkx: is qualcomm snappier about posting sources?
<codeworkx> much
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<azizLIGHTS> gt-n7100 (interntional galaxy note ii) source released
<dagb> azizLIGHTS: we were talking about pads, if that was a comment directed at us
<dagb> i.e samsung galaxy note 10.1
<azizLIGHTS> nope, just a general comment
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<codeworkx> azizLIGHTS: everyone knows, nobody cares :-P
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<azizLIGHTS> haha, i suppose so
<azizLIGHTS> just generating positive press
<azizLIGHTS> for themselves
<dagb> huh. The Motorola Photon Q looks cool. I thought nobody made sliders anymore.
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<dagb> Blackberry 10
<dagb> Aristo
<Leon_> Hey devs just chirping in to say you're awesome and your work is extremely appreciated :)
<dagb> appears to come with a 10" panel and s4 pro. But who in their right mind would buy a blackberry now?
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<triptosyll> Can anyone let me know what this error means? I don't know how to fix it.
<triptosyll> Trying to build cm for the fascinatemtd.
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<triptosyll> Anyone at all willing to help? I'm down to the only possible thing to do for help is irc channels. If I can't get help here I'm screwed. Google only shows 1 result when I search for the file. Anyone know what 'libs3cjpeg_intermediates' is?? Any help would b appreciated.
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