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<[SkG]> Espenfjo, GCC-CONFIG-2 stole my stock weather widget :(
<Espenfjo> :D
<Espenfjo> We do not like widgets
<Espenfjo> Or was it midgets?
<[SkG]> uh? Don't catch it
<Espenfjo> It is probably a coincidense
<[SkG]> anyway, the stock weather widget is missing, its intended?
<Espenfjo> No
<[SkG]> k
<Espenfjo> But hm.. I didnt even know there was a stock weather widget
<[SkG]> I don't know if its something realed to this:
<Espenfjo> It shouldnt be, widgets should be stored in /data, not /system
<[SkG]> Oh Well
<[SkG]> Espenfjo, I know what happened
<[SkG]> I have no gapps due the system corruption I had with that issue
<Espenfjo> ah
<Espenfjo> Yeah
<[SkG]> so that app is in the gapps package
<[SkG]> I noticed it when I missed the play store
<[SkG]> well my system is acting weird... I'm going to use the backup and flash again GCC-CONFIG-2
<[SkG]> I also miss other apps like cwm app
<Espenfjo> cwm has never been part of CM
<Espenfjo> RomManager used to be bundled, but was removed in favor of CMupdater
<[SkG]> oh, ok then that's why its missing
<[SkG]> well, restoring nighlty 14 backup and flashing again config-2
<Espenfjo> :)
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<[SkG]> hmmm Error while restoring /sdcard/.android_secure
<Espenfjo> Thats normal
<[SkG]> k
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<[SkG]> well all in order, flashing config-2
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<dhiru1602> Any c++ expert here?
<[SkG]> not expert but maybe can help
<dhiru1602> - been using this code to implement OMX JPEG encoding on a TI platform (Galaxy SL). Replaced the file handles with memory addressing to accept an input buffer and output buffer
<dhiru1602> - over here.. the sched_yield() doesnt work it blocks the processor. Instead if I use sleep(1), it works fine, but takes a lot of time
<dhiru1602> so maybe i was assuming I need to implement some kind of semaphore
<[SkG]> hmmm have you checked the sched_yield return?
<Espenfjo> It sched_yield sets errno, so thats always smart
<dhiru1602> returns -1
<Espenfjo> print errno and see what it says
<[SkG]> If it's -1 you should check errno
<dhiru1602> doing that,.. just gimme a moment
<[SkG]> anyway if you use semaphores or locks there is no need of sched_yield (IMO, but didn't read whole code)
<dhiru1602> as an executable it works fine but when I try to integrate it with the camera hal, it doesnt work.. strange
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<dhiru1602> errno is 22
<Espenfjo> Invalid argument
<Espenfjo> heh
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<dhiru1602> yup..
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<[SkG]> but... sched has no argument as far as I know
* [SkG] checks man
<dhiru1602> yep i am totally lost
<dhiru1602> if i comment out the sched and use sleep(1), the encoding works fine. I have the encoded jpeg, but takes around 5 seconds due to 1 second blocks
<[SkG]> yep I think that you have no threads
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<BloqueNegro> tzer
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<IbrahimA> out of curiosity, if nobody from teamhacksung wants to support the note 2 (for instance), how feasible would it be for an outsider with a small bit of knowledge about the android OS to get cm10 working? related to that, how long would you guys say it took you to get acquainted with android hardware/OS related things
<IbrahimA> given that said outsider has reasonable experience with Java, C, and C++
<IbrahimA> (given that said outsider is me :P)
<DAGr8> IbrahimA my guess is nobody form cm at all
<DAGr8> look what was involved in making it work on sgs2 (exynos)
<DAGr8> and it ll give you an idea
<IbrahimA> i could be wrong, but i dont think that answered my question lol
<DAGr8> you asked how feasible
<IbrahimA> ah
<DAGr8> very
<DAGr8> lots of work for one man especially if hes never ported cm base ot any device before
<IbrahimA> i figured that much, im more curious about time frames, especially like how long it took people when they were getting started
<IbrahimA> lol i've made a halfhearted attempt in the past but that doesn't really count
<DAGr8> i think the firs tdeal will be how easily can it be ported
<DAGr8> if it s easily ported then you ll manage by usign these device configs etc
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<IbrahimA> heh this is all very hypothetical anyway, because i already have a us sgs3 and i'd have to buy the note 2 off contract, and rumor has it that my carrier's (vzw) note 2 will be bootloader locked in which case eff that
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