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<paulk-desktop> there is no Cm 10 for galaxy s2 ?
<Rebellos> There is, I think ;d
<paulk-desktop> ah :)
<paulk-desktop> it's not called galaxys2 anymore :)
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<Rebellos_> paulk-desktop: Yeah, mess in Samsung's naming does cause mess in naming everywhere. ;d
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<stickyboy> Entropy512: Um. GPS fixed on Tab 7 Plus: http://imgur.com/jgrs2
<stickyboy> So smdk4210 tabs benefit from your Samsung GPS reversing work. :)
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<paulk-desktop> stickyboy, may I ask what reversing work?
<stickyboy> paulk-desktop: Discovering Samsung's undocumented extra field in their GPS blobs.
<stickyboy> AOSP's gps.h doesn't have it, so GPS locks were terrible on smdk4210 boards like Galaxy S II and my Exynos4 tablets.
<paulk-desktop> ah ok
<stickyboy> We would only see ~3 satellites before.
<stickyboy> And without a data connection a lock was impossible.
<paulk-desktop> ok
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<Entropy512> stickyboy: That GPS header is, I think, common to ALL Samsung ICS implementations
<Entropy512> stickyboy: not true. Lock should not have actually been affected. The only thing affected was status reporting to apps
<Entropy512> that was really the key to reverse engineering it actually
<stickyboy> Stupendous!
<Entropy512> Only 2 sats reported but a 3D position fix was being provided = status was clearly broken
<Entropy512> a 2D fix needs 3 sats, 3D needs 4 minimum
<Entropy512> Even after that, some people still didn't lock
<stickyboy> Ah, strange. So the GPS actually fixed (hence the GPS icon going solid in the notification bar).
<Entropy512> but at least they got better status feedback on why
<Entropy512> stickyboy: yup. Or, if you were using GPS Status and Toolbox, which ONLY reports raw GPS fix and not netloc fixes
<Entropy512> you'd see fix info but 2 or fewer sats
<Entropy512> which is totally impossible
<Entropy512> paulk-desktop: as to why galaxys2 became i9100
<Entropy512> there were 32408032 different galaxys2 variants
<stickyboy> Yeah, never made sense to me how it could lock but not be "Using" any in GPS Status application.
<Entropy512> some which were totally different
<paulk-desktop> Entropy512, right
<Entropy512> galaxys2att was the initial thing prompting it
<paulk-desktop> that makes sense
<Entropy512> CM9 renamed galaxys2att to i777
<Entropy512> CM10 renamed galaxys2 to i9100 to be consistent
<paulk-desktop> ok
<Entropy512> because too many people were trying to flash galaxys2att on skyrocket
<paulk-desktop> btw, maybe you saw that Google released a libcamra that seems to have support for galaxy s2 camera hardware
<paulk-desktop> ok
<Entropy512> paulk-desktop: oh? where?
<Entropy512> that might be an M5MO libcamera for exynos5
<Entropy512> sadly, there are enough differences that I don't think exynos3/5 libcamera will work on exynos4 with same sensor
<Entropy512> otherwise we could just kang my Infuse shit
<paulk-desktop> mhh ok
<paulk-desktop> too bad
<paulk-desktop> the kernel interface looked similar though
<Entropy512> main issue is libcamera does tie into libfimc/hwcomposer/etc
<paulk-desktop> though, I was happy to see code for M5M0 :)
<Entropy512> and opensource hwcomposer is busted
<paulk-desktop> ah ok
<Entropy512> on exynos4
<Entropy512> so far it's indistinguishable from no HWC at all
<Entropy512> although, I wonder if that exynos5 stuff might actually be useful
<Entropy512> dunno
<Entropy512> if we can get HWC working, I think camera will fall to us too
<paulk-desktop> ok
<Entropy512> wtf is with libcamera + libcamera2?????
<Entropy512> the main problem is we don't have any working "reference" libcamera for any exynos4 device
<Entropy512> it's not like aries
<Entropy512> where we knew libcamera worked on crespo
<Entropy512> so we just needed to handle sensor diffs and not core SoC diffs
<Entropy512> we have a mostly working M5MO libcamera for exynos3
<paulk-desktop> ok
<paulk-desktop> so most likely, I won't have camera working thanks to that code, too bad…
<Entropy512> not unless we figure out why hwc is so nonfunctional
<Entropy512> I think if hwc falls
<Entropy512> the only remaining thing is libcamera
<Entropy512> and I don't think that'll live long as a blob once HWC is dealt with
<Entropy512> it would be better if we had an Exynos4 ref device for comparison that was "known good"
<Entropy512> but you can't even get Origen Dual now and the camera module is $$$
<paulk-desktop> ok I see
<Entropy512> BTW, one thing I noticed in the new audio HAL - it doesn't seem to handle changes of audio I/O for modem devices very gracefully
<Entropy512> e.g. it only pulls mixer settings from the XML when starting a call
<Entropy512> but not, for example, when switching from earpiece to BT headset mid-call
<Entropy512> going to try and track that down tomorrow
<paulk-desktop> well it should
<paulk-desktop> in-call device changes are told to output
<paulk-desktop> which will change the modem mixer config properly
<paulk-desktop> or I completely forgot to write that part but…
<paulk-desktop> tinyalsa_mixer_set_device will set the modem route if modem is being used
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<petar> i get soft reboots on my n8013 with the newest cm10 nightly when refunding an app through the app store. here are the relevant logcat lines: http://pastebin.com/5zKP0ZkT
<petar> s/app store/play store/
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<Jiangyi> Whoa, everything just dies. ._.
<petar> i expected something segfault-ish.. but, yes, everything just dies
<petar> is it maybe a watchdog?
<petar> since the umount fails repeatedly..
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