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<Rebellos> Damn, Entropy512 I've got raw access to these STL partitions and looks like I need some sort of driver that Samsung never published. Probably one of the stock aries kernel modules.
<Rebellos> Yep, #blamesamsung, can't access this partition from Android unless I pull some 2.6ish kernel fsr_stl.ko module, guess I'll just try to dump partitions using bootloaders and Bada. :|
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<Entropy512> Rebellos: yeah that's why CM completely replaces the whole FSR mess with pure MTD, so they don't have to deal with the original partition structure again
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<iKillCypher> Hello
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<turizm> pawitp, you killer!
<turizm> is it buildable ? (with repo init ...)
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<pawitp> if you're patient enough to track down all the errors
<turizm> damn just started building pa and have to go out? but when I'm back, may I pm you?
<pawitp> nope
<pawitp> I'd be asleep
<pawitp> and if you want to build from source at this stage where nothing's in place, you better know what you're doing
<turizm> I got aosp 4.2r1 so local_manifest.xml should got the android_kernel_samsung_aries from your github
<turizm> and then i should track down the errors
<turizm> and do my best
<turizm> revision="jellybean-next"
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<pawitp> you'd need many other patches
<pawitp> aries is a particularly non-standardish device
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<pawitp> unless it's for learning, it's not worth it
<turizm> ok
<turizm> thanks
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<finnq> Hey there, just a little question. Is the open galaxy project still active?
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