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<screwsss> anyone here know how to backup cyanogenmod settings
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<Zi1x> Hi there !
<screwsss> HEY
<screwsss> anyone here know how to backup cyanogenmod settings
<Espenfjo> Use tit backup
<Zi1x> I would like to change the behavior of the lock screen when using face unlock and the slide to unlock widget. Can someone point me out where are the corresponding sources in the CM tree ?
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<Zi1x> Is that a stupid question or … ?
<screwsss> yeh kinda
<screwsss> Espenfjo: tried that, and it backs up and then it says it has restored, but then i go into my settings n theres no difference made
<Zi1x> I can't see it on /android/system/packages/app/Trebuchet/src/com/cyanogenmod/trebuchet
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<codeworkx> screwsss: restore and instantly reboot?`
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<screwsss> codeworkx: yep done that no difference
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<iKillCypher> hey codeworkx
<iKillCypher> any news about the samsung source since it is already november
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<nebkat> iKillCypher: no ping cody
<iKillCypher> okay sorry
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<codeworkx> iKillCypher: no
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