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<iKillCypher> codeworkx you here man ?
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<codeworkx> iKillCypher: always
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<Wout> codeworkx, you there?
<stickyboy> He's always here.
<stickyboy> Just hiding...
<codeworkx> right
<Wout> you guys still have a paypal thingie?
<codeworkx> teamhacksung.org
<Wout> cause thats the deal, you fix my phone, you get beer
<Wout> k
<codeworkx> we're far away from "fix my phone"
<Wout> better say that stuff after I give you money :P
<peterperfect> Wout whats your problem?
<Wout> i dont have a problem?
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<peterperfect> ah ok
<peterperfect> tought that was something with your phone
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<Rebellos> Anybody familiar with Exynos4 SGS2 kernel around?
<atinm> Rebellos: always.
<Rebellos> atinm: Uh, actually started cloning it already. I need one patch. ^^
<atinm> but usually idling. codeworkx, Entropy512, Espenfjo are usually actually doing work on the bloody thing.
<atinm> (bloody because exynos4 is a bastard)
<Rebellos> Need to do *(CLK_GATE_IP_PERIR) |= (1 << 12) - any ideas how to do it without touching kernel? (Any tool for writing mem from cmdline?)
<Rebellos> Yeah Exynos4 is a bitch. We're so close from getting uboot running on SGS3 family but hell.. It turns off after 5 seconds on Adam's GCam for God knows what reason.
<atinm> Rebellos: wait, CLK_GATE_IP_PERIR would be a register?
<Rebellos> Yeap its an SFR.
<Rebellos> a SFR*
<Rebellos> 0x1003c960
<atinm> why can't you use the kernel or uboot to write it?
<atinm> or is it just not booting?
<Rebellos> I can. Just thought anybody got any ideas.
<Rebellos> And its SGS2. Not SGS3. We got no uboot for SGS2. ;)
<atinm> I don't think you can just randomly write CPU registers.
<atinm> you need to run in kernel mode
<Rebellos> Err, SFRs. Not CPU registers. ;P
<atinm> same.
<atinm> you need to be in priv mode.
<atinm> I dunno what that register does though
<Rebellos> Erm, I can read them from rootenv using mmap so I guess writing would to aswell? Anyway
<Rebellos> Kernel sources cloning is nearly done.
<Rebellos> It's gating clocks for peripherials.
<Rebellos> Kernel does mask out clock from SECKEY block. I need to power it up.
<Rebellos> Ok, let's say I got the bloody zImage or boot.img or whatever built (will be soon) - any easy way to flash it from kernel level w/o flashing whole platform? :P
<Rebellos> Eventually gonna go for Odin
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<Rebellos> atinm: It's mach-trats.c whats getting into I9100 kernel, right?
<atinm> I don't remember anymore - leave it for Entropy512 or codeworkx to answer.
<codeworkx> Rebellos: mach-u1
<Rebellos> Oh, weird... Always thought its trats. Thanks.
<Rebellos> Dawg, sorry... even if its I777? :D
<codeworkx> yes
<codeworkx> u1
<Rebellos> Thanks codeworkx.
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<Rebellos> Okay, last question - would dd if=boot.img out=/dev/block/platform/dw_mmc/by-name/KERNEL/ do? :P
<Rebellos> (no slash at the end)
<codeworkx> /dev/block/mmcblk0p5
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<Rebellos> Ty, already did the by-name one, I think it worked. ^^
<Rebellos> Great, got this SECKEY finally
<Rebellos> Entropy512 - bad news. Samsung did change SECKEY between 4210 and 4412. So no sideload for us.
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