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<rhcp> so
<rhcp> madmack got the note2 working for TMO/ATT
<rhcp> question is how do we get official support now
<Jiangyi> rhcp: I spy with my little eyes:
<rhcp> oh nice
<rhcp> he's putting it in
<rhcp> fuck yea
<Jiangyi> He should probably contact CM's devrel team about adding the device :-P
<rhcp> well ill talk to him.
<rhcp> but who should he email?
<rhcp> for this device
<rhcp> thanks
<rhcp> already submitted patches to the repos that are already on jellybean:
<rhcp> The missing RILJ piece:
<rhcp> he said he put
<rhcp> and he sent the email to jef
<jeagoss> what email address did he send it to?
<jeagoss> if it was the .com, i'm not getting those
<rhcp> from the link you gave me
<jeagoss> needs to go to the .org
<Jiangyi> G+ post says .org :-P
<jeagoss> lemme check
<rhcp> kk
<jeagoss> yeah, i got it like 15 minutes ago
<rhcp> word
<rhcp> :)
<jeagoss> which means i will look at it tonight and answer back
<rhcp> you the man
<rhcp> :)
<jeagoss> lurk in ALL the channels
<rhcp> me?
<Jiangyi> lol
<jeagoss> no me
<rhcp> ill be honest. I really do owe the whole team a proper sorry
<rhcp> i was a real ass way back
<jeagoss> was? hehehehehe
<jeagoss> i keed
<Jiangyi> I feel a bit bad about stalking your G+ to find that post now lol
<jeagoss> meh
<jeagoss> that dev, if he is antsy
<jeagoss> let him know I got his stuffs
<jeagoss> but i'm in the lab and can't answer atm
<jeagoss> i just saw the highlight window pop up on my irc
<jeagoss> figured i should peek
<jeagoss> rhcp: i relayed your appology statement on
<rhcp> dank
<jeagoss> we'll et it flop around a while
<jeagoss> let it*
<rhcp> i really do feel bad
<rhcp> it all started with wes tbh
<rhcp> not sure why i split it across all
<rhcp> lol
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<jeagoss> Things happen. Just show you are better off now and let things get better on their own.
<rhcp> Yea, what happened
<rhcp> i know its not his fault but w/e
<rhcp> when the first T9859? i think
<rhcp> vibrabt?
<rhcp> vibrant
<jeagoss> the vibrator is so over
<rhcp> He was supposed to maintain it. (on TW and the old RFS) was HORRID
<rhcp> i spent like 650 to get it. thinking he was going to get CM on it
<rhcp> then he quit
<rhcp> and i just blew up
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> today id prob get CM on it. but i wasn't the same
<rhcp> so
<rhcp> blah
* Jiangyi is confused now
<Jiangyi> Probably cuz I don't know the backstory :-P
<rhcp> better off
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> I'm not proud of it
<rhcp> then the touchpad thing. people taking my nick and saying things
<rhcp> blah
<rhcp> all bad setups
<rhcp> but good learning steps :)
<rhcp> tbh
<rhcp> who you can trust. and who you cant. etc
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<Entropy512> whoa... jeagoss hides here, how did I not notice? :P
<Entropy512> tbh I never look at the user list
<Entropy512> just who is speaking
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<slick_rick> rhcp: cm is dd status for us now
<jeagoss> lol
<jeagoss> i hide everywhere
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<aways_> hi guys i want to compile cm10.1 for galaxysmtd but i have problem can anyone help me ?
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<aways_> hi pawitp i want to compile cm10.1 for galaxysmtd but i have error can you help me ?
<pawitp> and the error is?
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<pawitp> you don't have the latest source
<pawitp> repo sync against the cm-10.1 branch
<pawitp> repo init -b cm-10.1
<pawitp> repo sync
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<aways_> sorry pawitp my internet disconnected
<aways_> here is error
<pawitp> pawitp: you don't have the latest source
<pawitp> [21:56] pawitp: repo sync against the cm-10.1 branch
<pawitp> [21:56] pawitp: repo init -b cm-10.1
<pawitp> [21:56] pawitp: repo sync
<aways_> no i have latest source
<pawitp> no you don't
<aways_> PLATFORM_VERSION=4.2.1
<aways_> TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=userdebug
<aways_> TARGET_PRODUCT=cm_galaxysmtd
<aways_> TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release
<aways_> TARGET_ARCH=arm
<aways_> TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT=armv7-a-neon
<aways_> HOST_ARCH=x86
<aways_> HOST_OS=linux
<pawitp> that doesn't mean you have the latest source
<aways_> HOST_OS_EXTRA=Linux-3.5.0-19-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-12.10-quantal
<aways_> HOST_BUILD_TYPE=release
<aways_> BUILD_ID=JOP40D
<pawitp> and DO NOT paste long stuff into irc
<aways_> OUT_DIR=/home/aways/cmbuild/out
<aways_> okey will try
<aways_> sorry
<pawitp> that or your branch in .repo/local_manifest.xml is wrong
<aways_> here is my local_manifest.xml :
<pawitp> revision="jellybean"
<pawitp> change to cm-10.1
<pawitp> or just remove itt
<aways_> okey thank you alot
<ricotz> pawitp, hi, is cm-10.1 going to be the official branch or will it be merged to jellybean at some point?
<pawitp> official branch
<ricotz> i see, thanks
<pawitp> AFAIK
<ricotz> pawitp, of course thank you very much for maintaining galaxysmtd :)
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<rhcp> nebkat you around?
<nebkat> yes
<rhcp> hey
<rhcp> quesiton
<rhcp> I'm trying to build a 4.2.1
<rhcp> I'm thinking use the base common
<rhcp> that might be the trick
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<dimi22> Hello guys
<dimi22> i would like to ask if someone could tell me a way to clean up things that get stuck when flashing different roms or kernels and that are not being deleted by wiping or flashing rom with odin, i heard about init.d file
<dimi22> but how can i delete without adb
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<rhcp> blah
<rhcp> screw it
<rhcp> throwing me stupid resource errors now
<dimi22> i would like to ask if someone could tell me a way to clean up things that get stuck when flashing different roms or kernels and that are not being deleted by wiping or flashing rom with odin, i heard about init.d file
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<dimi22> dimi22> i would like to ask if someone could tell me a way to clean up things that get stuck when flashing different roms or kernels and that are not being deleted by wiping or flashing rom with odin, i heard about init.d file
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<detule> codeworkx, that camera exposure revert going in jellybean as well?
<codeworkx> not needed in jb
<codeworkx> shouldn't be there
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<detule> ugh nevermind thanks….
<detule> do you happen to know what's the cm effort centered on re: msm8960 and camera in 10.1 -> are folks trying to get qcom/camera from CAF to work and do away with the ics blobs
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