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<Entropy512> <imnuts> any idea what would cause that? - some sort of fixed filesystem formatting stuff?
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<Entropy512> probably the device tree has some directives only handled by CM and not AOSP regarding filesystem structure would be my guess
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<iKillCypher> codeworkx here ?
<iKillCypher> samsung response : This is because if Samsung is to fix this bug, I need to gather as much information as possible, to pass it to the developers, whose scope includes this issue. An official information from Android developers with details on why is it a Samsung bug, and not just an Android bug is exactly the information we need. The exact message, and not just your summary of it, I'm
<iKillCypher> afraid :-)
<iKillCypher> Otherwise, we do not know if it is really something we should fix, so it might take even longer to decide and investigate. I realize that this responsibility ping pong can be quite annoying to you, but our Android developers have a lot of work even without fixing outside bugs, so we need to focus on fixing our bugs first.
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<rhcp> beer you saw?
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