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<Ybrad> hi
<Ybrad> Just flashed the latest CM 10.1 nightly build and was wondering if anyone else had encountered not being able to create or add items to folders on the bottom dock bar.
<Ybrad> Hello is anyone there?
<yath> works for me
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<vicenteH> hello all
<vicenteH> does anyone know if there are available for samsung galaxy s3 kernel sources?
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<Espenfjo> there is
<vicenteH> Thanks Espenfjo
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<diego-ch> codeworkx, are you there?
<diego-ch> I'm trying to get 2nd stage boot here on the GT-I9070, I've added some missing nodes to you kernel source (u8500_initramfs.list)
<diego-ch> it's not bootlooping anymore but I get this error when I try adb logcat or adb shell: "- exec '/system/bin/sh' failed: No such file or directory (2) -"
<diego-ch> *your
<diego-ch> any ideas on what could cause this?
<diego-ch> I guess /system is not being mounted
<codeworkx> right
<diego-ch> I tried using another kernel and it boots the system
<diego-ch> maybe something wrong on init.u8500.rc?
<diego-ch> I can access the device on recovery via adb
<diego-ch> codeworkx, /boot.txt in recovery mode
<codeworkx> recovery works?
<diego-ch> adb works, but I have to run "recovery" command for cwm to start
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<diego-ch> codeworkx: shouldnt PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables be included on init.u8500.rc?
<diego-ch> I think mount is not working because those aren't defined
<codeworkx> they're defined in init.rc
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<diego-ch> but you merged init.rc into init.u8500.rc? or no?
<codeworkx> system/core/rootdir/init.rc
<codeworkx> this get's always included
<codeworkx> and init.rc loads init.device.rc
<diego-ch> hmm
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<diego-ch> recovery boots fine, but I have no idea why it gets stuck while mounting /system
<diego-ch> maybe the build procces is including init.janice.rc instead of init.u8500.rc to init.rc
<diego-ch> *process
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<diego-ch> I dont see any mentions of u8500 or janice on out/target/product/janice/root/init.rc
<diego-ch> there's an "import /system/etc/init.local.rc"
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<codeworkx> diego-ch: init binary does it
<codeworkx> diego-ch: it parses init.rc and init.device.rc
<diego-ch> ok
<diego-ch> so if the problem is not in the init files... what else should I look in order to fix this?
<codeworkx> must be in init.u8500.rc
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<diego-ch> codeworkx: if you're not too busy, could you take a look? /system mount command seems fine to me, I dont see anything wrong on init.u8500.rc
<diego-ch> mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /system rw
<diego-ch> no different from recovery.rc, except for the "rw" parameter
<codeworkx> gimme link
<codeworkx> should be fine
<codeworkx> diego-ch: add a service which writes kernel log to sdcard
<codeworkx> service klog cat /proc/kmsg > /sdcard/kernel.log
<codeworkx> for example
<diego-ch> ok
<codeworkx> then boot into recovery and read it
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<diego-ch> codeworkx: tried writing logs to /sdcard and /data but neither of those worked, no file on /data and /sdcard
<diego-ch> btw /cache and /data are empty, so no sign of system startup
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<mknewman> Hey codeworkx can you please approve my account? I have t989 and am interested
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