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<stickyboy> Entropy512: Graphics are slick now on P6200.
<stickyboy> Smoother than 4.1 actually.
<rhcp> this port for the note2 on tmo/att is quite nice
<rhcp> i just wish he was posting source
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: :)
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: ohanar surfaced today too... he ported Replicant's audio.
<stickyboy> And I just realized we don't need custom release tools anymore. It just gets better and better!
<Espenfjo> ah, nice
<Espenfjo> Yeah
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Did you see the Lima driver demo from a few days ago?
<Wout`> just waiting for the BT to get merged and then it'll be a daily driver I rekcon
<Espenfjo> No
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<stickyboy> Freedreno also posted a nice video showing their progress
<Entropy512> <stickyboy> And I just realized we don't need custom release tools anymore. It just gets better and better! - you device boots standard kernel images?
<Entropy512> your
<stickyboy> Err.
<stickyboy> I thought I commented that shit out.
<stickyboy> One sec, lemme try for realsies.
<stickyboy> Entropy512: Nope. I was mistaken. It doesn't work.
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