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<Rebellos_> Hey guys, what does invoke RTC set_time procs before shutdown? Appears like I don't get them executed on "adb reboot" (not necessary?)
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<rhcp> slick_rick still no luck getting that thing to build
<rhcp> shrug
<slick_rick> sucks
<slick_rick> were getting closer to data working rhcp
<slick_rick> calls work but in call broken
<rhcp> data is fine
<rhcp> in-call audio
<rhcp> if i can get it to build
<rhcp> i can help
<rhcp> but, morons on ther
<rhcp> dont understand
<slick_rick> well gsm is easier to get data working i guess lol. sbrissen will probably have a solution by tomorrow
<IbrahimA> vzw note 2?
<slick_rick> he has one but working on sprint variant
<slick_rick> im out
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<finnq> Rebellos, I think this sets the actual time to the real time clock.
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<iKillCypher> Entropy512,I found a bug in your audio patch :s the music sometimes skips abit when the screen is turn off and on
<Entropy512> probably deep_buffer shit
<Entropy512> low priority
<iKillCypher> whats wrong with that ?
<Entropy512> too much else broken
<iKillCypher> oh :(
<Entropy512> it's not implemented at all
<iKillCypher> anyway how is progress on 10.1 for i9100? would like to keep myself in the loop ;) ?
<iKillCypher> any fuxed up stuff encounter?
<iKillCypher> encountered*
<Entropy512> lots
<Entropy512> it's barely working
<iKillCypher> guess alot of hackish code will be implemented
<iKillCypher> unless their insignal is updated to jb but I doubt that will even help
<peterperfect> meanwhile, no problems at all on my N4
<peterperfect> :)
<peterperfect> and also got that energizer qi wireless charging pad which is awesome
<iKillCypher> yeah peterperfect if samsung used qualcom everything would be different
<peterperfect> iKillCypher serious, wireless charging is awesome...seems alien technology
* iKillCypher only has a i9100 phone here
<peterperfect> iKillCypher wheres your nexus4?
<iKillCypher> I want a nexus4 but I will wait till my contact expires next year
<peterperfect> oh
<peterperfect> contracts
<peterperfect> =/
<iKillCypher> nov 2013
<peterperfect> holy shit...
<peterperfect> you are jailed
<iKillCypher> indeed well maybe rumours about sony nexus :) will pleased me next year
<peterperfect> yep, sony seems the next obvious nexus candidate
<iKillCypher> but I wonder how powerful will it be
<iKillCypher> lol
<peterperfect> indeed :)
<peterperfect> also im waiting for my miracast adapter
<peterperfect> so much things to play with nexus
<iKillCypher> what cell do you have?
<peterperfect> its exciting
<peterperfect> N4
<iKillCypher> thats all?
<peterperfect> also a galaxy s3, but its sitting on my desk
<peterperfect> turned off
<Wout`> codeworkx: you aware of 112 emergency calling not working for some people in i9100?
<peterperfect> :)
<Wout`> or any other dev for that matter
<peterperfect> also a asus tf300t
<iKillCypher> o.o
<iKillCypher> Wout` rom ?
<peterperfect> cm10
<peterperfect> on both
<Wout`> cm9/cm10
<iKillCypher> country ?
<Wout`> netherlands
<peterperfect> its a carrier specific problem
<iKillCypher> humm not work as in
<Wout`> just heard it from someone, not keen to try it myself
<Wout`> it's a felony to call for no reason
<iKillCypher> ....
<peterperfect> its a known carrier specific problems
<peterperfect> Wout` whats your carrier?
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<Wout`> i havent experienced it yet, person who does has vodafone
<Entropy512> Wout`: it's known for something like two carriers... Telia in Sweden I think (no other Swedish carrier) and one carrier in Netherlands (vodafone from the sounds of it)
<Wout`> i actually have vodafone myself, never had to dial it though
<Wout`> seems pretty serious
<Entropy512> problem is there's no way for any developer to work it
<Entropy512> since none of us are on an affected carrier
<Entropy512> I've heard rumors of it happening on crespo too (not sure if CM or stock)
<Wout`> hmmz, that sucks
<Entropy512> it's among the many reasons that CM10 is not marked stable
<iKillCypher> i thought cm10 was mark stable
<iKillCypher> in some cell
<Wout`> was cm9 marked stable?
<Entropy512> not on any Exynos4 device
<Entropy512> Wout`: it shouldn't have been in retrospect
<iKillCypher> CM9 was
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<lodder> Entropy512: what would you recommand for a tablet? looking for something that can attach a USB stick
<Entropy512> at this point
<Entropy512> nexus 10 with OTG adapter
<Entropy512> or
<Entropy512> Tab 2 10.1 (OMAP4)
<Entropy512> ok time for shower and work
<Zhenech> lodder, I sell you my xoom 3g for the price of a nexus 10 :)
<lodder> is nexus 10 with mobile network?
<Zhenech> iirc not
<tat-> thats correct, only wifi on nexus 10 (for now)
<tat-> wouldnt surprise me if they release a 3g/lte version of nexus 10 next time
<lodder> ok I'll go for a nexus 10 then with 3g
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<Wout`> nexus 7 isn't half bad either
<xplodwild> It's 7/10th bad.
<xplodwild> </badjoke>
<tat-> i have a nexus 7 3g waiting for me in the us :-)
<tat-> (together with a nexus 4 :-D)
<Wout`> i want the 4 damnit
<Wout`> ordered one in germany
<Wout`> will have to drive over there next week
<tat-> i have to fly from europe to us to get my nexus devices! :-p
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<Espenfjo> stickyboy: :)
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: w00t
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Is storage in 4.2 retarted, or is it just me?
<Espenfjo> its retarted, yes
<Espenfjo> they have borked it while introducing multi user support
<stickyboy> I've finally gotten sdcard0 and sdcard1 to mount, but it was ugly.
<stickyboy> Setting up init is confusing as balls. symlinks, variable exports, storage daemons, etc. wtf.
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