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<CoreISP> Is this ROM 21st December proof?
<Jiangyi> Yes. If not, I'll pay for a new phone for you. :-P
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<CoreISP> Alrighty :p
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<gh0stR1d3r> ping..!
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<gh0stR1d3r> Sup guys
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<jcrowgey> hi teamhacksung, i'm trying to build cm10 for my p5113, getting sources seems to go fine, preparation in general seems to go fine, then when i run brunch, i see 'find: `src': no such file or directory.
<jcrowgey> after that it goes on an seems to build the kernel, but doesn't make the entire job, it finishes with another error,
<jcrowgey> is anyone around here to discuss? just curious.
<jcrowgey> yeah, i guess my last error is about 'no rule to make target libril.so'
<jcrowgey> looking to build cm10.1 for my p5113 on 64-bit debian
<jcrowgey> teamhacksung wiki site is awesome, but i never see anyone around on here.
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<cdesai> did you follow instructions fully?
<gh0stR1d3r> urmmm.. havent dealt with that before
<cdesai> specifically, extracting the propreitary binaries part
<cdesai> from the device
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<jcrowgey> i believe i did follow them. i ran a script called 'extract-files.sh' in devices/samsung/p5110/, seemed to work fine,
<jcrowgey> should i run it again?
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<jcrowgey> well, i ran extract-files.sh again, seemed to complete without error, i guess it pulled a bunch of files, but i'm not sure yet where they got placed
<cdesai> though libril should be source built
<cdesai> paste teh full error
<jcrowgey> ok, one moment
<codeworkx> cdesai: libril is samsung blob
<cdesai> codeworkx: oh
<cdesai> ye it is, i just mgreped
<jcrowgey> here yah go, http://paste.debian.net/217950/
<codeworkx> jcrowgey: ls -la vendor/samsung/p31xx
<cdesai> make: *** No rule to make target `vendor/samsung/p51xx/common/system/lib/libril.so',
<jcrowgey> codeworkx, that file doesn't exist, i have p5113, which i think uses p5110
<cdesai> jcrowgey: ls -la vendor/samsung/p51xx
<jcrowgey> cdesai, yes, that's the error
<codeworkx> jcrowgey: ls -la vendor/samsung/p51xx
<jcrowgey> in that dir, are "BoardConfigVendor.mk", common/, p5110/, and p5110-vendor-blobs.mk, p5110-vendor.mk, p51xx-vendor-blobs.mk, p51xx-vendor.mk
<codeworkx> show p5110-vendor-blobs.mk
<cdesai> jcrowgey: ls -la vendor/samsung/p51xx/common/system/lib/
<codeworkx> cdesai: stfu
<codeworkx> cdesai: wrong
* cdesai hides
<codeworkx> vendor/samsung/p51xx/p5110/system/lib/libril.so
<codeworkx> or vendor/samsung/p51xx/p5110/libril.so
<jcrowgey> codeworkx, some comments, then "PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \
<jcrowgey> vendor/samsung/p51xx/common/system/lib/libril.so:system/lib/libril.so \
<jcrowgey> vendor/samsung/p51xx/common/system/lib/libsecril-client.so:system/lib/libsecril-client.so
<jcrowgey> "
<codeworkx> that's not right :-D
<codeworkx> jcrowgey: does vendor/samsung/p51xx/p5110/libril.so exist?
<jcrowgey> aha, i'm glad i asked you
<jcrowgey> no, under vendor/samsung/p51xx/p5110/ i see system/ only
<codeworkx> whats below?
<jcrowgey> yes below is lib/libril.so and lib/libsecrisl-client.so
<jcrowgey> so, vendor/samsung/p51xx/p5110/system/lib/libril.so does exists.
<jcrowgey> if i am getting 'no rule to make target', doesn't that mean there's something missing from the makefile?
<cdesai> jcrowgey: here, that means it's trying to copy a file that doesn't exist
<jcrowgey> cdesai, i see, so maybe a path is wrong in a config. i see.
<cdesai> jcrowgey: like cody said, the path in p5110-vendor-blobs.mk is wrong
<jcrowgey> right, i see, brunch is erroring looking for vendor/samsung/p51xx/common/system/lib/libril.so because that file doesn't exist because it's actually in vendor/samsung/p51xx/p5100/system/lib/libril.so, i will check again in that p5110-vendor-blobs.mk file
<cdesai> so, for now, change the path manually
<cdesai> in p5110-vendor-blobs.mk
<codeworkx> jcrowgey: then run the extract again
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<cdesai> codeworkx: that was fast, what timezone are you in?
<cdesai> GMT?
<codeworkx> CET
<codeworkx> my clock is off xD
<jcrowgey> okay, updated the path, ran the extract, i guess now rerun brunch?
<codeworkx> yep
<cdesai> codeworkx: yea, you're one hour ahead of me, but i'm 5:30 ahead of you
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<jcrowgey> okay, running again now, i still get the 'find: `src': no such file or directory' right after it prints up the environment info. this was also in the log i pasted.
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<cdesai> jcrowgey: ignore that
<jcrowgey> okay, i actually got the same error, i'm surprised by that.
<cdesai> jcrowgey: rm -rf vendor/samsung/p51xx, then re-run extract
<cdesai> then open the file and make sure it got updated
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<jcrowgey> well, okay, i removed that dir, the ran the extract
<codeworkx> jcrowgey: repo sync before
<jcrowgey> but what extracted has the old path names,
<codeworkx> sync
<codeworkx> and rerun extract
<jcrowgey> that is, now that the directory was recreated, i have the p5110-vendor-blobs.mk, which has /common/...libril.so, which doesn't exist
<jcrowgey> i see, repo sync? okay.
<codeworkx> it's fine now
<codeworkx> you failed to apply the patch
<jcrowgey> okay, i repo sync, and i saw there was a small change, now i'm redoing extraction
<jcrowgey> okay, i'm retrying build. so, i know i should ignore that 'find: src: no such file' error, but does anyone know whats causing that?
<codeworkx> thats normal
<jcrowgey> the build seems to be getting a lot farther now, thanks a lot codeworkx!
<jcrowgey> that's amazing that you were able to patch the repo like that just as i was asking you
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<jcrowgey> hooray, successful build! thanks again!
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<paulk-desktop> shall I upstream a patch to disable playlpm and replace it with charger and free bitmaps for Galaxy S?
<stickyboy> Yay
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<Adam77Root> Hi everybody!
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<Adam77Root> Do anybody of you know why Torch.apk doesn't get installed when I have it in the zip?
<Adam77Root> It's flashed properly, but it doesn't show up in app drawer
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<paulk-desktop> I have pushed the patches to review
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<jcrowgey> hey i got signed off for a reboot, i'm still having trouble getting a flashing tool working on debian for my gt5113. i wonder what you guys use or if i can get flashboot onto a gt2
<jcrowgey> whoops, i meant fastboot
<jcrowgey> see, heimdall keeps telling me 'no compatible download mode device', but i'm in download mode and connected. what's strange is that in dmesg i see 'device descriptor read/8, error -75' as the device was plugged in.
<jcrowgey> the last message is 'unable to enumerate USB device on port 1'
<jcrowgey> let me know if you guys have any ideas for me. cheers.
<jcrowgey> btw, i have udev rules for samsung, so i don't think that's the problem, although maybe it is. i'm not sure how to test.
<jcrowgey> cdesai, thanks for the help earlier.
<jcrowgey> now i'm wondering if the reason that heimdall isn't working is that it's doing some sort of assert check to see if i'm on a galaxy s. i coulda swore that i used heimdall to flash a custom recovery on this tab2 when i got it, though.
<jcrowgey> what's weird is that i don't see 'samsung' in lsusb...
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<jcrowgey> do any of you use the gt2?
<jcrowgey> yah, so i guess i my issue is that i built a cutom jelly bean on debian thanks to you guys' help, but now i'm having trouble finding a working tool to flash a custom recovery.
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<jcrowgey> i guess my only other option would be to try to run odin in wine or something. it's strange, i'm really wishing there was a way to get the galaxy tab 2 into a fastboot mode.
<jcrowgey> well, i'm rebuilding heimdall from source, but i think my actual problem might lay elsewhere.
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<jcrowgey> does anyone here know where there's a full table of samsung udev rules id's product and vendor. i want to double check my udev situation
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<codeworkx> jcrowgey: heimdall
<jcrowgey> codeowrkx, i reubuild heimdall and i've even got the gui to come up now, but it's not detecting my device, so i guess i'm trying to double check udev rules. do you think i should try something else?
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<jcrowgey> codeworkx, also, hi and thanks for the help last night, my build went fine. now i've made a custom recovery but having trouble flashing it.
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<codeworkx> jcrowgey: use sudo ;-)
<codeworkx> jcrowgey: sudo heimdall flash --recovery your.img
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<jcrowgey> codeworkx, i get, 'ERROR: Failed to detect compatible download-mode device.'
<codeworkx> is your device actually in download mode?
<jcrowgey> device is in download mode and is plugged in, so i'm not sure what to check next. i found that in demsg it's saying 'failed to enumerate device' when i plug it in. that seems suspicious.
<codeworkx> libusb is installed?
<jcrowgey> well, i did 'adb reboot bootloader' and it put up the screen of 'downloading ...do not turn of target!!'
<jcrowgey> yes, lsusb is installed, but doesn't seem to be recognizing the tablet
<jcrowgey> i will double check that now, thank you mucho.
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<jcrowgey> codeworkx, i placed the long list of rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules and made it exec and restarted udev with 'sudo service udev restart' then replugged the tablet and i still see nothing in lsusb and i got the dmesg 'unable to enumerate device'
<codeworkx> <6>[ 5764.188839] usb 5-1.7: new high-speed USB device number 5 using ehci_hcd
<codeworkx> that's all i get
<jcrowgey> when i attach my telephone (although it's not in download mode), i see the device recognized by vendor and model.
<jcrowgey> i see 'new high-speed USB device number 44 using xhci_hcd' then an error -75 appears 'device descriptor read/8, error -75'
<jcrowgey> i put my tab in download mode using adb reboot bootloader, maybe i should try to pop the battery and do it the 'hold volume up' way?
<jcrowgey> well, actually, maybe opening it looks a litter harder than i'd like.
<jcrowgey> codeworkx, have you used heimdall on a gt2?
<codeworkx> p5100
<jcrowgey> yeah, i could swear this used to work, that this is how i got cwm recovery on there when i got the tab.
<jcrowgey> i can't use cwm recovery to flash another recovery can i?
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<jcrowgey> okay, this is an interesting fact, in recovery mode, the tablet is recognized by lsusb,
<jcrowgey> so what could be wrong with my 'download mode' connection.
<jcrowgey> one other thing i note is that your dmesg says 'ehci_hcd' and mine said 'xhci_hcd', i'm not sure if that's significant.
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<jcrowgey> anyone know about xhci_hcd vs ehci_hcd?
<jcrowgey> so, yah, i guess my specific problem seems to be communicating with the tablet when its in download mode.
<jcrowgey> oh, i wonder if this is helpful: i had it connected in recovery mode and said 'adb reboot bootloader' and it seems to do so, but in the dmesg, i see 'usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd adb rqt 128 rq 66 len 256 ret -71' then it disconnects, then when it tries to reconnect, i get the 'device descriptor read/8, error -75'
<jcrowgey> oh, i note that codeworkx's output says 'usb 5-1.7' but i see 'usb 3-1' maybe i should try to upgrade that package (anyone know the name in the debian tree?)
<jcrowgey> i have 'libusb-dev
<jcrowgey> installed alreaddy.
<jcrowgey> codeworkx, are you on debian or ubuntu, i'm still not sure why you're message says usb 5.1-7 and mine says usb 3.1, not sure what to look at upgrading
<jcrowgey> http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-usb/msg76222.html this page has someone talking about error -75, says it's when a device 'babbles' on transfer. i'm totally over my head here, it seems.
<jcrowgey> on a completely different topic, i noticed that in my custom build of cm10, the geniewidget and newsandweather app went away. not sure why.
<codeworkx> jcrowgey: arch
<jcrowgey> x86_64
<codeworkx> ARch linux
<codeworkx> archlinux.org
<jcrowgey> oh, i see, right.
<jcrowgey> do you know anything about this xhci_hcd vs ehci_hcd topic?
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<jcrowgey> well, i found that they are both kernel modules, and it seems i can remove and put them back with modprobe, but i guess i'm no closer to connecting to the tab in download mode. man, maybe i have to give this up for now
<jcrowgey> could there be something about a protocol which is wrong?
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<jcrowgey> well, i've figured something out, i tried using heimdall to flash with another computer and i can tell you that it worked just fine, so i'm sure there's something wrong with my setup on my main computer
<jcrowgey> wow it feels good to figure that out!
<jcrowgey> so, any idea about why genie widget dissapeared?
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