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<BlackLaser> I recently got a note 2 (AT&T) and want to move towards development. I found out cyanogenmod is not ready yet and was wondering the best place to go to watch the development progress/help if I can. Is this the room?
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<slick_rick> BlackLaser: ask in #galaxy-note-2
<BlackLaser> Thank You
<Vrooom> is there a sgs3 room ?
<atinm> for cyanogenmod you might as well go to cyanogenmod itself. though Note 2 would be done by us
<atinm> but we don't do much dev talk here
<atinm> same for sgs3
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<DAGr8> atinm
<DAGr8> :P
<DAGr8> [19:45] <atinm> but we don't do much dev talk here
<atinm> yeah, but we don't much :)
<atinm> talk about dev here
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<atinm> no and then, but not all the time. it used to be busier.
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* DAGr8 starts stalking
<atinm> but this is the channel to talk samsung android dev if that is what you want to do
<atinm> like BlackLaser wanted.
<atinm> the guys are all here.
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<atinm> but development progress for cyanogenmod, this is not the place status is given :)
<atinm> for that you watch codeworkx's G+ account :)
<atinm> and don't ask ETAs. on the other hand, if you want to code, build tree, and fix the bugs and we'll be happy to help.
<atinm> well, they'll be happy to help ;-) -- I haven't really made it completely out of retirement. tho almost there...
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<atinm> I think it'll coincide with when they fix exynos4 :)
<atinm> night!
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<DAGr8> I think it'll coincide with when they fix exynos4 :)
<DAGr8> lmao
* DAGr8 is waiting on the same thing
<DAGr8> ahah
* nevyn cries a little after reading that whole saga. I was so happy about my new GT-n7105
<Jiangyi> Sorry about your bubble getting burst man :-P
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<nevyn> :(
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<Jiangyi> Might be good for you :-P
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<nevyn> sigh I wish there was a list of what existed and what's compatible with what "product" names are near worthless.
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<chewieChupacabra> hello
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<chewieChupacabra> ...
<IbrahimA> Entropy512: more changesets like this please
<chewieChupacabra> that was hilarioug
<chewieChupacabra> s*
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<Vrooom> Nice battery life... 1 days 21hours @ 18% left on SGS3, stock rom is like 7 8 hours if im lucky. CM10 can last 1-2 days under heavy useage
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<Vrooom> eh? i saw a ? in traingle in nofication bar area in CM10 rom.. what is that?
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<nebkat> Vrooom: why not open it?
<Vrooom> it disappeared
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<Space-> any Galaxy Note N7000 ROM which does not make S-Pen unusable?
<Space-> I read somewhere that most ROMs break S-Pen functionality
<Space-> any problem w/ CM10?
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<nebkat> Space-: spen works fine
<Vrooom> is there a general cyanogen room ?
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<Rebellos> Hey! Is it usual behaviour on crespo to get in logcat every reboot - " libkam : Unable to load settings file, using defaults."?
<Espenfjo> It has probably something to do with sensor calibration
<peterperfect> sensors are so sweet
<Rebellos> Yep, I'm just wondering if it shouldn't create settings file first time it can't find it.
<Rebellos> peterperfect, don't even tell me.
<Rebellos> I think I just finished merging aries & crespo libsensors
<Rebellos> Oh, looks like it is going to create /data/misc/akmd_set.txt on the first use.
<finnq> Is the brick Bug in i9100 kernel (me1 staging) present?
<stickyboy> No.
<stickyboy> mr1-staging is jellybean basically.
<finnq> Thanks
<Jiangyi> Wait, I thought it is
<finnq> Yes, but somewhere I read it us present
<finnq> Ok yes Jiangyi I think it is too
<stickyboy> ... The mr1-staging kernel is literally Jellybean. Plus like 5 patches.
<Espenfjo> Our kernel should be good, but the framework isnt yet
<Jiangyi> [16:34:56] <Espenfjo> emmc stuff isnt merged in yet, so it may cause hard bricks
<Jiangyi> Oh nvm, listen to Espen^^
<Espenfjo> So if someone flashes an unsafe kernel, and do stupid things, stupid things will happen
<finnq> Okay.. Thank you guys
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<Jiangyi> Lucky for me to have 1 of the very few variants of the S2 that somehow doesn't have the bug :-P
<finnq> So sorry, the big isn't present?
<finnq> *bug
<finnq> I just will be absolutely sure
<Espenfjo> if you use our CM kernel you should be safe
<finnq> Espenfjo, thanks. what do you mean with: But the framework isn't yet?
<Espenfjo> We have some patches in the framework so that CWM wont brick your EMMC
<finnq> Ok thanks you are my men boys! :D
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<Entropy512> <finnq> Yes, but somewhere I read it us present - kernel is safe, update-binary for installs is NOT
<Entropy512> so if you flash from CM9/10 you'll be fine
<Entropy512> but we can say all day not to flash from initramfs repacks
<Entropy512> someone will do it
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