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<slick_rick> rhcp: data is working for us now
<slick_rick> In call audio is left
<DAGr8> kingston sv200s3256G ssd freezes all the time
<DAGr8> anyone has an idea ?
<Hammerfest> firmware update?
<Hammerfest> Drive/Motherboard?
<Hammerfest> OS?
<rhcp> slick_rick nice
<rhcp> stable radio?
<rhcp> Looks like the RIL problem was found
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<slick_rick> rhcp: it works. Kinda slow but that could just be sprints crappy 3g lol
<rhcp> cool
<rhcp> I wish this dude would find the problem for that rild crash
<rhcp> I'm pretty sure codeworkx would merge
<rhcp> Entropy512 in the house on the RILD ;)
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<rhcp> Entropy512 I guess your info helped
<rhcp> but he killed wifi
<rhcp> loz
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: What are the INSIGNAL_FIMC1 ifdefs for? Using Insignal blobs?
<Espenfjo> Entropy512:
<Espenfjo> :P
<Entropy512> stickyboy: yeah. INSIGNAL_FIMC1 ifdefs are the "old" Insignal source
<Entropy512> right now you can't turn them on since there's no reason to ever use them in CM. :)
<Entropy512> requires old Insignal blobs that suck donkey balls
<Wout`> Entropy512: do the 10.1 builds need to be flashed on top of 10? or can they be flashed on a phone with samsung rom?
<Wout`> tried to get 10.1 on my phone, but zip won't install, gives an error 7
<peterperfect> Entropy512 your backward compat patch fixed CM10.1 on MK802 before it exists! hahah
<peterperfect> awezom
<stickyboy> Entropy512: Zat is very naice.
<stickyboy> It's naiiice... I like.
<Entropy512> Wout`: should flash from a sammy firmware
<Wout`> weird, it displays some error logging in a flash and then shows cwm again
<Entropy512> dunno, maybe broken recovery
<Entropy512> a lot of recoveries have been failing asserts when they shouldn't lately
<Wout`> could be, running a weird samsung/aosp hybrid atm
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<peterperfect> ahahah
<peterperfect> xda big android bbq video is awesome
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<Yohan> codeworkx: I keep getting the occasional sleep of on my P3113...
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<Yohan> >.<
<Yohan> I keep getting the occasional sleep of death on my P3113...
<Yohan> there we go.
<Yohan> ...
<Jiangyi> Sleep of death?
<Yohan> Jiangyi: yes...
<Yohan> uhm...sometimes when I go push the power button...it doesn't wake.
<Yohan> it's on.
<Yohan> but the screen stays off.
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<Jiangyi> ._.
<Jiangyi> CM10 or 10.1?
<Yohan> CM 10.
<Jiangyi> Never heard of it before then, sorry.
<Jiangyi> Try a data wipe?
<Yohan> hm...
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