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<Entropy512> HCP: those are the main ones
<Entropy512> in fact I think the only ones, all of the gralloc hack shit isn't needed with those in place I think
<HCP> thanks...
<HCP> I've just had a compile using CM galaxys2-common repo... and it seems to be behaving...
<HCP> saw the loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_mali.so debug... and didn't get any EGL errors...
<HCP> so I'll need to go and diff my "modified" galaxys2-common repo with the CM one and see if I can't figure out why mine is borked...
<HCP> fun times :) stupid flanders samsung...
<Entropy512> heh
<Entropy512> tbh that one thing isn't a samsungism
<Entropy512> affected all mali users
<Entropy512> and tegra2/3
<HCP> really? hah...
<HCP> also... big thanks to all involved in actually getting this stuff mostly working on the i9100... my life wouldn't be the living hell that it is without all the work that you guys have done! :P
<HCP> and I would probably have flashed a stock touchwiz and given the i9100 to my gf :P
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<HCP> and I would probably have flashed a stock touchwiz and given the i9100 to my gf :P
<HCP> whoops... excuse the finger trouble... and FYI, I think I finally got this EGL stuff sorted... I suspect it was mostly due to being lazy and not doing a proper clean before building ;)
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<NardtheBard_> I have a question about your port of cm10 to the gt-n8000. We're trying to port cm9 to the Galaxy S Relay 4G which also uses isx012
<NardtheBard_> Are you using samsung blobs or did you get a caf driver working?
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<Vrooom> Hi.. there is bug with cm-10.1-20121217-nightly i seem cannot add the google account to my phone
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<diegoviola> Vrooom: works just fine here
<Vrooom> did you add gapps afteerward ?
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<q3k> Hello. I have this crazy idea of building a vanilla AOSP ROM for my i9100, but I have no idea where to start. Any pointers what to do after checking out the AOSP source tree? Where do I get all the proprietary files needed? Which kernel do you guys recommend?
<q3k> This is one of my first ventures into messing around with Android, so I don't even know what to look for, and XDA-Developers is painful to look at.
<Espenfjo> You should start with building CM instead of AOSP
<Espenfjo> everything there is in place
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<drupol> Cool CM10.1 for N7100 is out !
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