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<th3g1z> anyone familiar with porting ROM's from device to an almost identical device (difference being radio, and carrier).. particularly the note 2. the n7105 ROM's will flash and boot on an ATT Note 2 (i317) but with no service. SIM is not recognized (changed the updater-script to apply) and made sure no modem is being flashed. fooled around with the /vendor folder and replacing it in the ROM.
<th3g1z> I'm not super familar with RIL and what files they include but these are the ones I've replaced from my stock rom into the n7105 rom ( ) maybe there are more RIL files, or I am missing more than RIL and /vendor .. anyway all boots and works but SIM is not recognized therefore no phone/data. logcat -b radio out puts:
<th3g1z> any help/guidance or even a point in the right direction would be very much appreciated!
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