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<rhcp> anyone get any lluck with the note2?
<rhcp> i can't even get this dudes build to build
<chris41g> which note2
<rhcp> for TMO
<rhcp> is working on it
<rhcp> but AOKP
<rhcp> the INTL version works. but the modem isdiff
<rhcp> :/
<chris41g> what branch? mr1 or jb?
<rhcp> for which?
<chris41g> im working on building mr1 for d710
<chris41g> takes some changes
<rhcp> thats sprint?
<chris41g> for the one youre trying to build
<chris41g> and yes
<rhcp> oh
<chris41g> epic 4g touch
<rhcp> thats the note2? for sprint?
<chris41g> ^
<rhcp> didn't know
<chris41g> no epic 4g touch
<rhcp> :)
<chris41g> im saying if you are building mr1, youll need to do some changes
<rhcp> oh
<rhcp> I'm building JB
<rhcp> or trying
<chris41g> ah
<rhcp> I want to see his local
<chris41g> what is your error?
<rhcp> well i don't know what to merge in and what not to lol
<rhcp> he said most stuff doesn't work
<rhcp> so I'm like uhhh
<rhcp> on the INTL port
<rhcp> only modem is broken
<rhcp> and cam
<chris41g> i wouldnt use his device tree.. start a new one and use some common repos
<rhcp> i agree
<rhcp> I've never done this before from scratch nor found an android i really like
<rhcp> :)
<rhcp> the note2 is very sexy
<chris41g> i have og note
<chris41g> but not note2
<chris41g> going to get n10
<chris41g> yay for samsung devices
<rhcp> got ipad3 and ipad4
<rhcp> no need for me
<chris41g> i have the n7 and some cheap tab
<chris41g> i just want the n10
<rhcp> i have 2 n7;s here
<chris41g> and ipads dont count
<rhcp> so i won't get the mini (iPad)
<rhcp> they do for me. I get things for usabablity
<rhcp> thats what people don't understand about me
<chris41g> what useability could you possibly get with 4 tabs?
<chris41g> you only need one usable one =)
<rhcp> me?
<chris41g> otherwise they are toys, like mine
<rhcp> I just keep getting them because i get crazy discount on apple
<rhcp> i have the note2 (which i find to be highly useful in many ways)
<rhcp> plus i have the iphone5
<rhcp> there is supposed to be a 4.2 leak for the note2
<rhcp> I havent seen
<rhcp> but cm10.1 on the note2 == pure sex
<Jiangyi> It has Exynos, therefore it != pure sex lol
<Jiangyi> xP
<chris41g> prostitute sex is still good
<chris41g> just pay for it, over and over
<rhcp> pure sex man
<rhcp> i had the INTL note2 running on it. fast as a mother
<rhcp> n7100
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<rhcp> Jiangyi you know the Exynos SOC will be OSS soon right?
<Vrooom> is there any good asop rom for sgs3 >?
<Jiangyi> rhcp: OSS = Open source software?
<rhcp> Yea
<rhcp> they are going to open it
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> For the dev boards that no one has only
<Jiangyi> Not for the phones :-P
<Jiangyi> Exynos4 is basically screwed
<Vrooom> im off to bed, will be back tmw
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<Jiangyi> Exynos5 will be fine though, since Google's supporting that.
<n0credit> exynos 3+5 > exynos 4
<rhcp> it matters not really. it works
<Jiangyi> Yeah, have fun with all teh things broken. :-P
<rhcp> the only thing that is broken is the modem and cam
<rhcp> using the INTL version
<rhcp> both are kernel. (i have no clue)
<rhcp> LTE i care not about. since there is no LTE for 1 year+
<Jiangyi> Hardware composer's pretty damn broken, no butter
<chris41g> hwc and audio
<rhcp> what you mean?
<chris41g> lame ass audio hal
<rhcp> works fine
<Jiangyi> Random glitches here and there, much like the I9300.
<chris41g> does that one have vsync?
<rhcp> note2?
<chris41g> yea
<rhcp> think so yes
<chris41g> exynos hwc has been lacking vsync afaik
<chris41g> exynos4*
<rhcp> it works
<Jiangyi> I doubt it.
<rhcp> i had it on there for 24hrs
<rhcp> email working
<rhcp> etc
<chris41g> well working, and working correctly are 2 different realms
<rhcp> gps
<rhcp> wifi working
<rhcp> no crashes
<chris41g> its not as bad as my bastard device though
<chris41g> consider yourself lucky
<rhcp> well I'm stuck :)
<rhcp> from what I've read the kernel is the issue. since the modem is diff between intl and TMO
<rhcp> and att
<chris41g> sounds plausible, have they released sauce?
<rhcp> for what? kernel?
<rhcp> Yea
<chris41g> then that should be fine
<Jiangyi> chris41g: You have I9100?
<chris41g> d710
<chris41g> sprint version
<Jiangyi> Oh God, that is pretty bad.
<chris41g> cdma+wimax+exynos4
* Jiangyi has an I9100G
<chris41g> keeps me with something to do lol
<Jiangyi> OMAP ftw lol
<chris41g> lucky you
<rhcp> omap devices rock
<Jiangyi> cody already got 4.2 on it xD
<chris41g> omap vendor support rocks
<chris41g> im building 4.2 for d710 now...
<rhcp> chris41g so you are good with exynos devices?
<chris41g> im not "good" with anything
<rhcp> ahaha
<n0credit> lol
<chris41g> i make my way though
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<rhcp> feel like giving a hand on getting TMO version going?
<chris41g> whats the problem?
<chris41g> build errors?
<rhcp> well
<rhcp> if i build using INTL (modem error and cam) everything else ok
<rhcp> so im kinda stuck
<chris41g> intl device tree and kernel and props?
<rhcp> yep
<rhcp> all works
<rhcp> modem dont / cam
<chris41g> you need to create a device tree, pull from intl as a common
<chris41g> use the correct kernel
<chris41g> and props, though they may be the same
<chris41g> like on d710, i have a device tree, but i pull from galaxys2-common
<chris41g> and only put the differences in my tree
<chris41g> the kernel i use is not the source released though, its smdk4210 with a few additions
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<chris41g> codeworkx: you around?
<codeworkx> aye
<chris41g> you see my question about the include?
<chris41g> on that review?
<codeworkx> chris41g: "" takes the current dir
<chris41g> doesnt #include "OMXPluginBase.h" have the same effect as #include <media/hardware/OMXPluginBase.h>
<codeworkx> chris41g: <> the include did
<codeworkx> dir*
<chris41g> right
<chris41g> but the file is in the include dir also
<chris41g> same dir as the other file
<chris41g> i guess its semantics?
<codeworkx> it's only at frameworks/native/include/media/hardware/OMXPluginBase.h
<codeworkx> so media/hardware/OMXPluginBase.h is right
<chris41g> well i know its right, what im asking is
<chris41g> since they are both in frameworks/native/include/media/hardware/
<chris41g> the 2 declarations serve that purpose? or is it because of recursive includes?
<codeworkx> "since they are both"
<codeworkx> both?
<codeworkx> i'm talking about OMXPluginBase.h
<codeworkx> and you?
<chris41g> the file we are declaring from
<chris41g> include/media/hardware/HardwareAPI.h
<chris41g> is the file where that include is
<chris41g> OMXPluginBase.h and HardwareAPI.h are in the same dir
<chris41g> i understand that your correction is right, im just trying to figure out how/why mine is wrong
<chris41g> or if its a best practives thing
<codeworkx> dunno
<chris41g> i mean, mine builds fine
<codeworkx> sure
<codeworkx> there are 1000 ways to do something
<chris41g> but is it prone to run into problems later?
<codeworkx> :-D
<codeworkx> probably not
<chris41g> ok, thats all i was wondering
<codeworkx> just look at jb
<codeworkx> there's a big commit for it
<codeworkx> and getphys
<codeworkx> yours is right too
<chris41g> ok.. now if i can get this camera shit worked out...
<codeworkx> exynos needs a lot of patches
<chris41g> aye
<chris41g> but i cant find where this error is coming from, mr1-staging and jb-mr1-release seem to lineup pretty well
<codeworkx> what error?
<chris41g> and no camera2 in jellybean to reference
<chris41g> GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_CAMERA_ZSL was not declared in this scope
<chris41g> in camera2/ZslProcessing.cpp
<chris41g> thats the actual error
<codeworkx> your gralloc.h is outdated
<codeworkx> in device tree
<chris41g> oh.. i forgot its in the tree too...
<chris41g> damn derp
<codeworkx> compare to hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/gralloc.h
<chris41g> yea thats what i was looking at, forgetting the overlay
<chris41g> thanks
<codeworkx> on which device are u working?
<chris41g> d710
<chris41g> is there a reason to have that include in device tree? they seem to be the same
<chris41g> must have been a thing before some patch was merged
<chris41g> well not the same in mr1 ofc
<codeworkx> getphys
<chris41g> but its been merged since, so not needed now correct?
<codeworkx> i think we patched gralloc
<codeworkx> i'll send a patch
<chris41g> need to delete a bunch of extra stuff
<chris41g> you have perms to create a new branch?
<chris41g> well the branch is on gerrit, but not github
<codeworkx> sure
<chris41g> its already corrected by arcee on gerrit
<chris41g> just not pushed
<codeworkx> eh?
<codeworkx> arcee doesn't have pending patches
<chris41g> i know.. its weird.
<chris41g> i created a gerrit remote
<chris41g> ssh://chris41g@blah
<chris41g> and it shows in the log
<chris41g> commit 8cd7b1da50074241e6d86e7d60150e096c7206c8
<chris41g> i dont know enough about gerrit to understand
<codeworkx> only jb-dev
<codeworkx> gerrit is out of sync
<chris41g> i know, but using gerrit, not the web interface, pulling directly
<chris41g> oh
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<rhcp> morn
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<chris41g> codeworkx: you here?
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<codeworkx> yep
<chris41g> need to edit galaxys2-common device tree
<chris41g> TARGET_HAL_PATH
<codeworkx> for the hal stuff i gerrited?
<chris41g> its exynos4/hal
<chris41g> and that dir doesnt exist anymore
<chris41g> in mr1-staging
<chris41g> i believe its just exynos4
<codeworkx> the stuff on gerrit wont work anyway
<chris41g> oh..
<codeworkx> its samsung
<codeworkx> stuff changes every few weeks
<chris41g> samsung exynos
<codeworkx> inconsistent
<chris41g> =(
<codeworkx> i9100 cam depens on libmfcapi
<codeworkx> i9300 on libmfcdecapi and encapi
<chris41g> yea d710 too
<codeworkx> new is libexynosapi
<codeworkx> welcome to changesung
<n0credit_> this is a nightmare
<n0credit_> how can someone learn using a samsung device
<chris41g> you learn more lol
<chris41g> samsung msm devices arent too bad
<codeworkx> samsung omap too
<codeworkx> already running 4.2
<codeworkx> everything working
<stickyboy> Heh.
<n0credit_> fucking omap
<chris41g> blame the exynos4 shit
<codeworkx> fucking haxxynos
<chris41g> hoepfully 5 will be ok
<codeworkx> consumer devices not
<chris41g> if anyone could still fuck up nexus it would be samsung
<codeworkx> see i9000 and nexus s
<chris41g> isnt n10 exynos5?
<codeworkx> i9000 was a pure accident
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<chris41g> does i9100 use fimg3x or 4x?
<codeworkx> 3x
<chris41g> ok
<chris41g> is 4x12 libfimg4x?
<Espenfjo> yes
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<rhcp> yawn
<rhcp> cant concentrate on anything
<rhcp> damn uncle died. family in panic
<rhcp> blah
<n0credit> sorry to hear that
<rhcp> thanks
<rhcp> I wanted to spend the weekend on the note2 TMO
<rhcp> my mind is all over the place
<rhcp> :/
<rhcp> really love the device. want pure CM/AOSP w/e i can get
<n0credit> good luck with that
<rhcp> why?
<rhcp> the n7100 port works fine
<rhcp> besides radio and cam
<n0credit> isn't the note 2 exynos 4?
<rhcp> Yes
<rhcp> n7100 port nightly works
<chris41g> slick_rick is working on the spr version
<chris41g> looks like it needs overlay and prop chanegs
<rhcp> i hear
<rhcp> d
<rhcp> did he build a tree?
<slick_rick> lol
<rhcp> oh
<rhcp> there you are
<chris41g> i thought you had to grow trees!
<rhcp> me tpp
<chris41g> if i knew that i would have built a money tree
<slick_rick> im trying but i dont know much like ive said. have some help here and there though with e4gt guys
<rhcp> yea same here i never started from beg
<rhcp> being that the n7100 tree and all works for almost everything. sprint too right?
<rhcp> must be an easy way
<chris41g> never easy
<chris41g> or everyone would be a maintainer
<rhcp> well i don't mean easy easy
<rhcp> but more easier then starting from scratch
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