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<h4rdco2e> does N7000 still have hwcomposer issues?
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<Espenfjo> yes
<Espenfjo> the n7000/i9100 are dead
<stickyboy> Good riddance to bad rubbish.
<Espenfjo> 4.2 bringup on them fails ridicously hard
<Espenfjo> *ridiculously
<Espenfjo> heh
<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: so no development on 4210?
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: I got it kinda booting on Tab 7 Plus today, based on haxxynos shit I saw in gerrit.
<stickyboy> But don't have my USB cable with me to see wtf is happening in logcat. :D
<stickyboy> I briefly got to Trebuchet and saw I had network bars, though... so RIL seems ok hehe.
<stickyboy> But I kept crashing back to bootanimation over and over. Real fucking annoying.
<Espenfjo> Yeah
<Espenfjo> thats gralloc failing hard
<Espenfjo> H4rdCo2e: correct
<Espenfjo> dead
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: What's up with that insignal pull on gerrit?
<Espenfjo> It is the same opensource HAL as before
<Espenfjo> Only problem now is that 4.2 depends on new hwcomposer
<n0credit> so i9300 is super fuck
<Espenfjo> dunno about the i9300
<stickyboy> So it's fucking broken.
<stickyboy> Fantastic.
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<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: i9100 Leak doesn't helps?
<Espenfjo> no
<finnq> H4rdCo2e: No, no one want's this shitty blobs :D. And I think if u use some blobs of the leak other things will be completly broken.
<h4rdco2e> finnq: ok, fuck I should get a new telefon could you recommend me one which 99
<h4rdco2e> % get the futur versions of CM?
<Espenfjo> nexus
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<finnq> try nexus or ask the developers. xperia t eventually
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<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: Did you get the Nexus 4 yourself?
<Espenfjo> no
<Espenfjo> Waiting for it
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<h4rdco2e> Espenfjo: ok, thanks you :-)
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