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<IbrahimA> you know Entropy512 maybe you or someone else at XDA should post a TL;DR of the relevant parts of your saga with regards to the "new source" that people keep asking about. i think a lot of people think that there was previously "no source" whatever that means and now that they see @samsungexynos tweeting links to git repos they think they have "opened up" exynos or something like that
<IbrahimA> like on the front page of the portal or something so people see it
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<JdGordon> hopefully this isnt too off topic.. anyone know how to support android in a standard linux wifi driver?
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<DAGr8> whos the last of the mohican that was still wokring on exynos
<DAGr8> modem complains about dev/ttyusb0
<DAGr8> it does fire up tho
<codeworkx> we're all working on it
<DAGr8> just no data or call
<DAGr8> trying to get lte working
<codeworkx> i9305?
<DAGr8> note2
<codeworkx> have fun
<codeworkx> the samsung ril class doesn't know about lte
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<codeworkx> happy reverse engineering
<DAGr8> well if i could at leas t get calls workign it be nice
<codeworkx> adb logcat -b radio is your friend
<DAGr8> wellif i have any strong points its that so car eto link me some documentation on whatr to re ?
<codeworkx> docuwhat?
<DAGr8> some guys ported n7100 roms on our lte device withotu breaking lte
<DAGr8> of course its still touchwiz
<codeworkx> right
<DAGr8> well you said happy RE
<codeworkx> samsungs ril is highly incompatible to aosp
<DAGr8> im aware thats why im asjking you guys
<codeworkx> no idea about their lte
<DAGr8> so if you were in m y shoes what woudl you be lokiing into
<codeworkx> adb logcat -b radio
<DAGr8> welli dont care much if i end up with only 3g i d be happy
<codeworkx> see errors
<codeworkx> look at aosp ril
<codeworkx> fix it
<DAGr8> right now no cel no data is the only thing failing
<DAGr8> iirc no exynos lte have ril wokring right ?
<codeworkx> dunno
<codeworkx> i don't touch new samsung phones
<DAGr8> i know
<DAGr8> sad panda
<codeworkx> the only lte exynos is i9305
<codeworkx> which i don't touch ;-)
<DAGr8> n7105 i317 and a few others
<DAGr8> bote 2 variants
<DAGr8> oh well sorry for being such a noob ..
<DAGr8> but 'fix ril' doesnt help me much
<DAGr8> i wish it did
<DAGr8> :)
<DAGr8> so if i give you full log you wil lsahre your thoughts ?
<DAGr8> modem complains about dev/ttyusb0
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<codeworkx> without having a device this will take forever
<DAGr8> i know
<codeworkx> look at log -> make little code changes -> compile -> flash -> look at log ..... and this for some hours
<codeworkx> over and over again
<DAGr8> yea i aint afraid of this
<DAGr8> im use to hacking smali and stupid xml on TW
<codeworkx> adb logcat -b radio
<codeworkx> then find the first error
<codeworkx> and try to fix it
<codeworkx> hope you've used the proper ril binaries
<codeworkx> rild,,,
<codeworkx> the n7100's wont work
<codeworkx> probably
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<codeworkx> DAGr8: hope you're running a i7105 kernel
<codeworkx> n7100 has a different modem
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<DAGr8> codeworkx
<DAGr8> im going to redo the whole thing from scratch now
<DAGr8> replace
<DAGr8> rild.libpath=/system/lib/
<DAGr8> with
<DAGr8> rild.libpath=/system/lib/
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<zifnab> woudl anyone know how to change the gtab2 7.0" bakc to 'tablet' mode from 'phablet'?
<zifnab> back*
<zifnab> would*
<zifnab> wow
<zifnab> it *looks* like you just remove qemu.hw.mainkeys, and set ro.sf.lcd_density
<zifnab> but, i'm not completely sure
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<codeworkx> DAGr8: is the n7105 a qualcom device?
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<slick_rick> codeworkx: im not sure but it looks like someone got data working for at&t gn2
<codeworkx> slick_rick: is it qualcom or exynos?
<slick_rick> at&t is qualcomm modem or something like that
<codeworkx> so where's the problem?
<slick_rick> idk
<codeworkx> just look at the d2 family
<codeworkx> s3
<slick_rick> i was just pointing that out lol
<codeworkx> some people are making their lifes harder than it is
<slick_rick> guess u can say that. this is beyond me so im waiting til sbrissen gets his device
<iKillCypher> samsung is mate ;)
<codeworkx> slick_rick: if it's qcom then it's probably 99% identical to the US galaxy s3
<codeworkx> slick_rick: it's like fixing something which is running since months ;-)
<slick_rick> thats a good thing :) anyways i shouldve been asleep 3 hours ago
<slick_rick> later
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<Entropy512> <codeworkx> slick_rick: is it qualcom or exynos? - exynos SoC with Qualcomm modem hung off of it
<Entropy512> same as the I9305/N7105
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<DAGr8> codeworkx thats the sort of things i needed pointed out
<DAGr8> thx
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