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<rhcp> Sup
<rhcp> I saw some CM10 (nonofficial) builds for the note2 TMO up on XDA and others. with your names on it
<rhcp> any idea where the tree is?
<rhcp> I wanna work on it
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<rhcp> wow
<rhcp> with src
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<Jiangyi> rhcp: I don't think Teamhacksung's doing Note2 atm.
<rhcp> I see a bunch of stuff about you guys
<Jiangyi> But yeah, that guy seems to have taken initiative.
<rhcp> seems like most of the stuff is working
<rhcp> I just need help to get wifi calling working
<rhcp> trying to find someone able and willing to help
<rhcp> :)
<Jiangyi> Seeing as it shares a lot of similarities with I9300, I'm not surprised lol
<rhcp> you know of anyone on this team that looked into the wifi calling?
<rhcp> it went from an app to all java
<Jiangyi> Not really
<Jiangyi> Most of the devs are sleeping at this time :-P
* Jiangyi is just someone who hangs around here lol
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<Kaik541> why is rhcp in here?
<Kaik541> why aren't you banned like you should be?
<rhcp> back in the game :)
rhcp was kicked from #teamhacksung by Kaik541 [rhcp]
<Kaik541> Jiangyi: never ever encourage rhcp
<Kaik541> he's the lowest of the scum
<Kaik541> he makes netchip look tolerable
<Jiangyi> ._. Well then.
<Jiangyi> Kaik541: Thanks for the heads-up.
<Kaik541> in fact, he's the only person that's ever been banned in #cyanogenmod main channel
<Kaik541> besides like spambots obviously
<Kaik541> * #Cyanogenmod Banlist: Tue Sep 25 04:12:26 *!*rhcp*@*/rhcp niven.freenode.net
<Jiangyi> O_O
<Jiangyi> Well then.
<Jiangyi> x2
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<sin486> I have identified a bug in CM10 on my i9300. I have stacktrace, can someone point me in the right direction for getting this bug fixed?
<sin486> Or even how to get the source and compile. I'm pretty sure I can fix this bug myself :P
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<paulk-desktop> hi
<codeworkx> hi
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<supercurio> Hi guys!
<n0credit_> hey
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