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<Entropy512> hmm... interesting... some people in i9100 forums are complaining about soft reboots when uninstalling
<Entropy512> but I can't reproduce
<Entropy512> i'll try uninstalling a paid app tomorrow
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<diegoviola> i've been experiencing reboots with latest cm10 on i9300
<diegoviola> sgs3 international version
<diegoviola> only 1 or 2 times, iirc
<diegoviola> i've also experienced something strange, like screen going black, had to take the batter off and turn it on again
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<kontinuity> with 4.1.2 leak do we get Project Butter on i9100?
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<stickyboy> Hmm, my tablet keeps rebooting today too.
<stickyboy> I figured it was because I compiled with Linaro shit.
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<stickyboy> Entropy512: Not sure if coincidence, but GPS worked yesterday when I compiled with Linaro patches. Today not.
<stickyboy> (no Linaro GCC or patches today)
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<Entropy512> dunno
<Entropy512> ugh my brain hurtys
<Entropy512> i feel like shit
<Entropy512> i hope this isn't flu
<stickyboy> Well it's going around. In Kenya. :D
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<stickyboy> Get a cup of tea, go lay in bed and watch The Newsroom.
<stickyboy> I just got it last week. It's awesome.
<Entropy512> i may torrent it
<Entropy512> I want to see it
<Entropy512> it's a bitch to get HBO content legitimately
<Entropy512> my cable provider won't even tell me anywhere how much HBO's monthly fee would be
<stickyboy> I live in Kenya; I have an excuse. :P
<stickyboy> But yes, it's very good. Makes me sad about the state of mainstream media.
<stickyboy> I used to like that guy on MSNBC... and of course Jon Stewart. :P
<stickyboy> Ah, it was Keith Olbermann who used to be really good on MSNBC. Like 5-7 years ago.
<stickyboy> (when I came to Kenya)
<stickyboy> I guess he got fired...
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<stickyboy> Entropy512: Yep, just recompiled with those Linaro patches and GPS is working again. I didn't use Linaro GCC, though. So basically, this is just a bunch of -fno-strict-aliasing stuff.
<stickyboy> And now I see 14 satellites, and "use" 10. Color me confused.
<stickyboy> It must be something in here (build/):
<stickyboy> Lemme make sure I'm not crazy... rebuilding without that shit again.
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<Rebellos> Hey there! Any clues what device is working with AK8973 magnetic sensor?
<Rebellos> I'm not sure if I need any special HAL for it in JB.
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<Entropy512> Guest97772: what's up with the rename Rebellos? I think i9100/i777/n7000 use AK8973
<Entropy512> one of the AKM variants for sure
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<Rebellos> Entropy512: When my net does hang my IRC reconnects but I haven't figured how to auto-identify after such reconnect so nickserv does rename me. ;P
<Entropy512> ah
<Rebellos> Entropy512: Thanks for the info. I'll try to kang necessary libs from them. :D
<Entropy512> yeah, libakm is a blob, but the sensor HALs are open source in CM now
<Entropy512> libakm often needs to come from the device you're working with
<Rebellos> So do I need libakm?
<Rebellos> Can't do. Wave has got AKM driver integrated into Nucleus image. ;P
<Rebellos> I can eventually rewrite libakm if it's needed or patch some existing one according to Bada disassembly.
<Rebellos> Shouldn't be too complex thing, huh?
<Rebellos> It's AK8975 in I9100.
<Entropy512> libakm is 100% blob and I don't know if anyone has REd it
<Entropy512> hmm look at some of the galaxys family then
<Entropy512> those might be 8973
<Entropy512> I think the sensor HAL code is the same
<Entropy512> fairly certain we just copypastaed
<Rebellos> Yep, AK8973 driver seems to be very complete in aries kernel so probably Samsung used it in some Galaxy class phones.
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<Rebellos> Oh, boo-yah. Crespo has AK8973. ^^'
<Rebellos> So far all libs copied from Crespo worked with no major faulties on Wave... Probably this will be the case for magnetometer too. Thanks. :D