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<cdesai> hey KhasMek
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<shaaan> i am trying to compile PA but get build/core/ *** No config file found for TARGET_DEVICE u8500. Stop. error
<shaaan> some help ?
<Espenfjo> PA?
<shaaan> Paranoid
<shaaan> Android
<Espenfjo> Well.. This channel is CyanogenMod. You should ask in the PA channel
<shaaan> which is that irc ?
<Espenfjo> I dont know
<shaaan> afaik there isn't any
<nebkat> shaaan: is that after doing lunch?
<shaaan> no. during lunch
<nebkat> shaaan: yeah thats what I mean
<nebkat> shaaan: do lunch without any parameters
<nebkat> it will list all possible devices
<shaaan> Paranoid uses a build script
<shaaan> it won't let me lunch directly
<nebkat> shaaan: buildscripts are bad
<nebkat> shaaan: just do this
<nebkat> . build/
<nebkat> lunch
<nebkat> (it will list all devices_
<shaaan> ok
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<nebkat> enter the number of your device
<shaaan> same error
<nebkat> then
<nebkat> shaaan: did it list your device?
<shaaan> yes
<nebkat> shaaan: does device/**oem**/u8500 exist?
<shaaan> yes
<nebkat> then no idea
<nebkat> you'll have to ask PA
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<stickyboy> Fantastic. sticky|away is some BNC... I have no fucking clue where he is.
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<stickybo1> stickyboy: Where the fuck are you coming from?
<stickybo1> Jesus christ. ghosting him gets tiring.
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