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<SweetDaddyJones> hello, all - first time on #teamhacksung, so forgive any forthcoming faux pas
<SweetDaddyJones> i was wondering if anyone here could answer a couple of questions about the internal microphones in the sgs3 and the woes implementing stereo audio recording in cm 10
<SweetDaddyJones> ah! - there's a user channel
<SweetDaddyJones> (there's that faux pas I was talking about.)
<yath> :-)
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<elliptic1> what do you all prefer for building CM10 - eclipse?
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<Mir0br> hi
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<ohanar> assuming #24318, #24319, and a pending commit to the smdk4210-tab work for the p2 boards, wifi should finally be good enough :)
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<ohanar> Espenfjo, Entropy512: darn you for making me want to spend time I don't have on deving :p
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<ohanar> codeworkx: any chance we could be merged in soon? wifi was really the only significant remaining issue for most of the variants
<ohanar> well, tab specific issue
<Espenfjo> ohanar: :D
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<larsemil> i dont get it. installed cm10 but cant find google now. what to do? do i need to activate it?
<larsemil> ah there was an update to google search. could be it
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<larsemil> camera missing in cm10 nightly. what to do?
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<lolwat> larsemil, better kill urself
<lolwat> or realize that camera is now contained in gallery apk
<Xello> vote kill
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<Rebellos__> Hey there! Did you know guys that I9300 is actually unbrickable? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1916796
<whitequark> Rebellos__: untested.
<whitequark> do yourself a favor and check this method, for example
<Rebellos__> Some guy did used it already. Also it's tested by Samsung, they wouldn't release such thing if they wouldn't test it.
<Rebellos__> Though actually, when I think about some stuff Samsung is doing... :D
<whitequark> yeah. exactly.
<whitequark> seems legit. nice.
<Rebellos__> I'm just browsing through the stuff to see if it's possible to make it boot from SD and in case of failure fallback to eMMC, as OMAP based devices does.
<Rebellos__> Then there would be possibility for permanent modification.
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<Entropy512> niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice - UNBRICKABLE I9300!
<Entropy512> very badly translated though
<Entropy512> no JTAG whatsoever