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<DashBlacK> Can I get any help with this?
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<larsemil> is there no cm10 for sgs2 yet? cant find it on the nightlies..
<Espenfjo> It is called i9100
<larsemil> oh thanks.
<larsemil> yes that was it
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<larsemil> need to find fingerbread kernel for sgs2. flashed a kernel that was to new and now it does not boot
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<larsemil> found one
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<Wout`> is there anyone on teamhacksung who is willing to work on a next samsung device?
<Wout`> ping Espenfjo, xplodwild, codeworkx, Entropy512
<Wout`> I'm writing a story on it, and would like to get that one thing confirmed from you guys
<Espenfjo> Unless the documentationU/source/cooperation thing against Samsung is changing soon, no.
<Espenfjo> None of us want to touch an Exynos4 device again
<Wout`> ok, thx
<Wout`> that makes a nice headline ;)
<Espenfjo> But press is good ;)
<Espenfjo> Samsung are saying that they are "aware" of the "issue"
<cdesai> Espenfjo: wtf
<Espenfjo> Except that nvidia part... nvidia are equally bad, even tho the Nexus 7 is Nvidia
<Espenfjo> the Nexus 7 is the most closed Nexus this far
<cdesai> Espenfjo: i'ld say more bad
<Wout`> also just binary blobs?
<Wout`> at least the hals arent hacked up, right?
<cdesai> look at another exynos nexus. crespo
<cdesai> that helped aries so much
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<cdesai> xplodwild_: what a time to quit
<Espenfjo> On the nexus7 atleast the framework isnt hacked to fit in with the HALs
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<xplodwild> cdesai: invite
<xplodwild> nvm
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<Espenfjo> Very nice :)
<Espenfjo> Google translate got the essence of it ;)
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<Entropy512> Wout`: sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet, weekend was kinda busy. will try to answer your email tonight
<Wout> Entropy512: it's ok, I based the story on your previous posts on xda
<Wout> contained quite a lot of info :)
<Entropy512> ah, sorry for not getting back to you sooner
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<Entropy512> Stupid RIL crashes have been consuming my brain. :)
<Wout> made any progress on what could be the cause?
<cdesai> Wout: dunno how accurate the translation is, but commit history for kernel source isn't that important
<cdesai> ti and qcom have userspace code in public repositories
<cdesai> ti has, qcom codeaurora
<Wout> i've seen multiple devs say that they'd like commity history
<Wout> instead of just a tarball
<cdesai> Wout: that'ld be nice, but not as nice as userspace code being released
<Wout> true
<cdesai> you can always diff
<Entropy512> yeah. userspace code is the primary thing, however we're also tired of working with no commit history when we could be working with it.
<Entropy512> it's kind of the categories of "things that would've stopped us from quitting" vs "things that are likely to be needed for us to actually come back once we've left"
<Entropy512> once we switch devices, unless the new device proves to be less pleasant than expected, it's going to be hard to go back.
<Entropy512> so codeworkx is effectively gone, I may be mostly gone after Xperia TL launches if its bootloader is unlockable
<cdesai> Entropy512: i really hope they make a exynos5 nexus
<Entropy512> yeah. exynos5 Nexus = take my money
<Entropy512> unless it's blobbed up like grouper
<Entropy512> even then, might be OK
<Entropy512> at least the blobs will be non-sucky
<Entropy512> and we know it'll work with the latest Android versions on a timely basis
<cdesai> crespo was so gooood
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<Wout> they will make one
<Wout> just wondering whether it will be a phone or a tablet
<Wout> my i9100 is being repaired right now and I'm using a gnex at the moment. The difference is pretty big
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<stickyboy> Entropy512: So wasn't Linaro supposed to be to Exynos what Codeaurora Foundation is to MSM?
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<karthik050782> hi everyone...
<karthik050782> this is karthik050782 from galaxyr xda forum
<karthik050782> we are trying to compile CM10..
<karthik050782> able to get phone and audio..
<karthik050782> now working with mobiledata and wifi
<karthik050782> getting below error
<karthik050782> E/WifiHW ( 320): ctrl_interface != /data/misc/wifi/sockets
<karthik050782> @codeworkx plz help us
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