<whitequark> noahdroid: powersaving 101
<DAGr8> DroidDoc took 24 sec. to write docs to out/target/common/docs/api-stubs
<DAGr8> me = fuked
<DAGr8> stripped of unavailable superclass
<DAGr8> wtf doe sthat even mean ?
<DAGr8> :(
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<ricotz> hello :), is there an (official) gapps package available which is more recent than 20120726
<Espenfjo> No
<ricotz> i see
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<Zhenech> is there much difference (driver wise, mostly) between AK8973 and AK8975?
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<brinsjt> #Hi Codeworkx ------Hi. I signed up for the wiki
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<brinsjt> The Name was brintaylor
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<Zhenech> fucking sensors, why can't it "just work"?
<Espenfjo> They never do
<Zhenech> device has a ak8975 compass and orientation is stock sammy rom, the compass works just fine with libsensors/AkmSensor and stock libakm.so, but not the orientation part, no friggin clue why
<Zhenech> s/is/in/
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<pr3fatum> hey guys, just a quick question about the new partition layout for CM10 on the i9000: do i need to do a seperate data wipe (factory settings) before i flash the new layout and end up with data wiped anyway?
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<pr3fatum> or can i just do it?
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<PandaUK> anyone here?
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