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<screwsss> how are you meant to use titanium backup to backup cyanogenmod settings.. exactly
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<stickyboy> #teamhacklg
<Espenfjo> #teamhackalltehthing
<Espenfjo> s
<Espenfjo> Just waiting for it to be available here in .no
<stickyboy> Truth
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<Entropy512> #teamhackallbutexynos
<Entropy512> which is odd considering exynos was our former specialty. :)
<Entropy512> i'm going to wait until the source trees open up to judge Nexus 10
<Entropy512> if it's blobbed up NVidia-style
<Entropy512> fuck that
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<stickyboy> The Nexus 10 has an "Exinos" SoC.
<stickyboy> Did you hear how that dude said it in the video? hehe.
<stickyboy> I guess it was Matias Duarte.
<Entropy512> yeah, nexus 10 is exynos5
<Entropy512> if it's as well-documented as exynos3 was in nexus S it'll be good
<Entropy512> but grouper proved the standards for nexus open-sourceness are going downwards
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<stickyboy> Entropy512: Yeah, I was laughing at the way he said it. "Exinnos" hehe
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<lolwat> someone modify stuxnet to target samsung software department ... and leak all sourcecode to cm developers
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